when I finished doing it with raspberry pie, I connected the 2k game tough player screen. Before, the notebook and ps4 were well connected. When I went home to open the computer tonight, I found that there was no signal input on the screen! Raspberry p...
what do you think is the advantage of comparing koa2 with express, and what is the practical role of koa2 s onion ring model in actual development! advantages of koa abandons express s callback writing and adopts the new features of Async to make...
my project needs to read some data to RDS through Aliyun ECS, but I don t think it will be faster to read the data on OSS. my ECS,RDS,OSS is all on the same node, so it can be accessed through the intranet. But I don t know which is faster. ...
I use vue-cli to build the mobile project, and then use iframe to embed Youku s video code as follows <iframe width=100% height=350 src="http: player.youku.com embed XMzI1NTY2Nzc0MA==" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen>< iframe> th...
uses Gregwar Captcha CaptchaBuilder the image verification code generated by this library. The following is the generated code: $builder = new CaptchaBuilder; $builder->build($width = 110, $height = 34, $font = null); return response($builder...