for example, after the original file output is 1 , I modify it to 2 and it is still 1 after uploading. It should be at least a few more minutes or restart the server. Is there a cache file in apache? how to solve < hr > not after discovering the res...
after the IPV6 channel applied for by is configured on the server, the Apache configuration file is updated accordingly to see that port 443 rel= 80 is also monitored by Apache, and the IPv6 web server,http is tested to be normal throug...
there is no problem with using this livereload on sublime, and it is also available in the plug-in library of visual studio code. It cannot be used after installation. It is mainly realized that the livereload, that clicks on the browser cannot listen in...
want to understand a problem, that is, the principle of domain name resolution, is there any easy-to-understand explanation? for example, when I use PHPstudy to develop a website, I don t have a DNS service locally, but after configuring a virtual ho...
In the mpm of apache, there are two mechanisms to prevent two threads from reading and writing to the same common resource (such as global variables) at the same time. one is file, and the other is posixsem . installing apache, with apt defaults to us...
I found it like this update-alternatives --set php usr bin php7.2 the original version is 7. 0 installed. I want to cut the past , but I found that etc php 7.2 is also available here. which is the right way? what else should we pay attention to?! ...
I have a vegetable chicken at the front end. Recently, there is a new demand for the company s project, which has been maintained by others before. the front end uses a framework built by pHp and uses the memcached plug-in. After the project runs, ,...
< H2 > Apache server < H2 > config file configuration is like this URL_HTML_SUFFIX => html , URL_CASE_INSENSITIVE => true, URL_MODEL => 2, URL_ROUTER_ON =>true, .htaccess file configuration is like this <IfModule mo...
arp and apr-util installed successfully apache apr-util etc profile but, after trying, it still doesn t work I ve been messing around all day. I d like to ask someone to guide me. Thank you here! ...
prompt as follows: Starting nginx: nginx: [emerg] "server " directive is not allowed here in etc nginx nginx.conf:17 what is the reason for this? How to solve it? ...
In apache,event mode, 8 processes are started. Set to perform 10000 automatic recreations. On the next day, there were only two hundred and three processes. is this the number of processes that apache thinks there are not enough tasks and automaticall...
the original domain name of our company s website has expired. I want to change it to another domain name. How can I change it? The website is developed using Aliyun s Yunmeng. ...
rewrite rules: RewriteRule (.*) (.*) (.*) index .html index.php?p=$1&c=$2&a=$3 [QSA] access Home Blog blog index.html?page=2 can access index.php?p=Home&c=Blog&c=blog&page=2 normally but when the original link is index.php?p=Home&c=Blog&a...
I loaded and loaded the code from github, generated the application the first time, but failed to regenerate it the second time. Either the header file could not be opened or the lib was not linked. and I, git, query the history of a certain branch an...
how does vue pass values on a component that renders a component using the render method on the list items of a table? return [{ type: index , width: 60, align: center , ...
for example, if the path is csrSystemXYK src com sunyard csr action , then create a folder? ...
what is the difference between personal access token and json web token for user Authentication? A personal access token is just a JWT created for user authentication with your own frontend to offer your users a dashboard for managing personal acces...
the relative s little boy, 6 years old, his parents want him to enlighten him in programming. How to get started? are there any recommendations for APP, books and toys? < hr > reply uniformly, some respondents feel that the requirements for 6-year-ol...