the default rendering style of viewer and the rendering style in the settings are not very suitable for my needs. Is there any way to set the default rendering effect of viewer? For example, the following two pictures, the first is the default rendering ...
when I roam with the new version of bimwork, as shown in the following figure I manually downloaded version 4.2 offline viewer, and all the JS related to version 4.2 including extensions. I hope God will reply, is it because I downloaded less stuff?...
as far as I understand it, this new first view tool is a roaming tool with gravity. The default view of this tool is a little high. How to set this height? ...
1. How to get the currently selected artifact or the currently selected build set 2 3 ...
after using viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D (myViewerDiv, config3d), there are no tools on the entire interface, not even viewcube. Now I want to make a layout on this quick interface, such as adding some div, and the location is on the right, so...
how do I remove some controls from the default toolbar in forge viewer, such as removing the controls in the red line in the screenshot? The methods I ve tried before are var group = viewer.toolbar.getControl ( navTools ); group.removeControl ( to...
when using three.js, use raycaster to select objects. If there is div occlusion on the upper layer of the canvas, the mouse can still select the model in the canvas. If you want to select a model that is not available when there is div occlusion, how to ...
how does autodesk forge get accessToken (JS or c-sharp automatically? In other words, how to automatically obtain the accesstoken below? ...
load the model, the container turns black. at first thought it was my program s problem. But try it with the code of the example, too. is there something wrong with the server? the following is the source code of the example. It used to be possible....
in the following code, external variables cannot be fetched within $where, for example, req, prompts that req is not defined. Why is the solution? router.get( get ,(req,res)=>{ comments.find({$where:function(){ return this._id===req.que...
How to customize the prompt box in echarts? Now my text is going to be put in this prompt box how can I put 1 into 2? This is how my curve is generated Echarts(item_id){ console.log(this.defaultID); item_id=i...
1. The project requires that the picture be uploaded, click on the picture preview, and then use the WebUploader image to add the thumbnail to show later, I use Lightbox control to achieve the picture preview function, but the preview picture is very s...
<FormItem label=""> <Select v-model="queryForm.csrMoneyTypeEquals" filterable clearable> filterable <Option v-for="(item, index) in csrMoneyTypeList" :value="item.value" :ke...
problem description at present, I use pycharm for python web development and docker as a remote parser, but there are some problems in use. I can t find a good solution through google and official introduction, so I would like to ask if anyone has th...