version control of api interface ...
topic description nginx.service-A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server Loaded: loaded ( lib systemd system nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2018-12-28 11:28:42 CST; 2h 2m...
Why can operator servers get cookie? Is it because if these companies use HTTP?HTTPS, cookie should be encrypted, right? Then the operators and these companies should be responsible! the police revealed that in order to hijack the operator s traffic,...
is it not true that the data of the parent component will be affected when the child component of the computing property is changed without the use of the parent-child communication? Why is this child component + 1 and the parent component is still 10? ...
redux-thunk enhances that dispatch, can dispatch a function and pass in two parameters, dispatch and getState. I know it s used to handle asynchronism, but I think it doesn t have to be used. I don t know if it s easy to manage the code or for other...
Thinkphp5 defines the route as a post , and how to customize the error when using get request if a post route is defined in application route.php in thinkphp5, as follows, how to customize the wrong content and return the wrong json when we req...