the whole project is ts architecture. This is my babelrc configuration. The style of the project is written in less, but when "style " is set to true, the style cannot be packaged. Only when it is set to css can it be packaged. { "presets"...
how do I convert jpg to nv21 format (Java implementation) in Android? jpg is in byte [] format, and output is also in byte [] format Code for converting JPG to other yuyv formats can be attached if any. Thank you ...
fetch( https: myapp qqteam Androidlite qqlite_3.6.3.697_android_r110028_GuanWang_537055374_release_10000484.apk , {method: head }) .then((e)=>{ e.headers.forEach((e,k)=>{ console.log(k,e); }) }); The code is to ge...
< tab: line-width=3 active-color= -sharp0094E0 VMI model = "index " > <tab-item class="vux-center" :selected="demo === item" v-for="(item, index) in headLine" @click="demo = item" :key="in...