The question is as follows: pass in a value and how to elegantly judge the interval. except for using if.else. is there any better choice? ...
do video online non-editing, need to do video annotation function, Daniel, please give us some advice! ...
The business scenario is as follows: I provide a ws server A for client B to call. Each call, the client inserts a piece of data into the database tab and then submits it. My server An internally calls another server C, and passes this data to the serve...
the operation of two-tier nesting is normal. db.collection.update({ xxx : xxx }, {$inc: { aaa.bbb : 1}}) but now if bbb is uncertain, it is a variable, such as let x = bbb ; db.collection.update({ xxx : xxx }, {$inc: {`aaa.${x}`: 1}}) ...