The code is as follows app.get ( getToal ,function (req,res) {) db.query( select count(*) as totalNum from t_package ,[],function(result,fields){ res.send({code: 200, message: "",data:result}); }) }); the local service written in n...
problem description cannot write to local after receiving set-cookie, domain is useless http request is shown in figure Server code var cookieParser = require( cookie-parser ); app.use( cookieParser() ); var allowCrossDomain = function(... GET , http: data projects 0017 experiments ,{ auth: "admin:admin" }, (error, result) =>{}); this is the current way of writing, ...
app.get( data subjects , (req, res) => {}express...
how this data is given to the react page when node.js is used as a server for rendering. Or request the interface directly through getInitialProps? ...
here s the thing. I want to make a landing page. First of all, A.html is a login page, and login is a post request. After a successful login, the server writes the login name of the req.session.LoginName= user. the front end jumps to the B page, an...
1. Go to a page and initiate a request to the server. The server generates the QR code 2. After the QR code of the scan screen of the phone, the front end can obtain the ip, of the phone and store the ip in the cookie or session of the browser for other...
the company now needs to write a gateway in node, and I m going to implement it in express. Now there are a few questions that I hope some bosses can answer. 1. The call to the permission of the interface before, the authentication operation of the...
Why do I need to access the image with a double slash in the path when I upload the image? otherwise, what is wrong with the configuration of 502 ? Or is there something wrong with the code [you can visit] http: art. [502] http: w...
I set up the project with vue-cli, and the iview ui, I use in order to be compatible with ie uses babel-polyfill,. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem. but because the company needs to use single sign-on, after I introduce the public single...
problem description Today, ueditor is used as a rich text editor. In the background, node-express, refers to the case of https: netpi ueditor. When returned, req.ueditor prints the result as undefined. ueditor1.4.3.3let ueditor = req...
webstromexpress: find a solution! ...
I bought an Aliyun ecs host, but why can t I use the original node to listen to a port that cannot be accessed through the public network, but can access it through the public network with express monitoring? what core sentences does express have to so...
to achieve the function of changing avatars for users, it is now possible for a user to change the avatar after selecting the avatar and clicking OK. But if the avatar of another account is still the one that has just been changed, that is to say, there...
problem description I have a requirement now, that is, the user uploads the word file and then previews it, but the preview is in the image format. I need to deal with this image in the next step. Now the word, front end I uploaded cannot parse . the...
problem description want to use node.js to make a mall in the form of webapp the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried node is used as the server-side back-end or which back-end framework to choose. At present, c...
the project was supposed to be fine yesterday. What happens when you run the project today and find that the page is all displayed in source code on the browser? none of my code has been modified. art-template template engine used to render pages t...
let express = require( express ); let router = express.Router(); let mongoose = require( mongoose ); let Notices = require( .. models notices ); MongoDB mongoose.connect( mongodb: chm ,{ useNewUrlParser: true }); mongoose.c...
problem description problems with uploading files using Multer in nodeJS the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the front end receives a base64 string, organizes it into formData, and uses the append method to...
topic description when using koa-router to process url routing in nodeJS s KOA framework, the front end cannot get the server return value sources of topics and their own ideas related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace ...