after logging in for the first time, save the token locally, and then every time you jump to a new page, you have to send a request to the server to verify whether the token is legal, display the page if it is legal, and force you to jump back to the log...
@ vue cli created a project that did not have a webpack configuration file. How did he implement it? ...
< template > < div class= "topic " > <a href=" " @click.native="get()">btn< a> <li><a @click="fn()">< a>< li> <button @click="post()">btn< button> ...
the example is here: https: mashirozx ... page uses column wrap layout, want to constantly load new content, and in the form of child elements append into the box, beyond the width of the screen can scroll (overflow-x), so the width of t...
given a certain month of a year (yyyy-MM), get the weekly start and end dates of that month (yyyy-MM-dd, Monday is the first day and Sunday is the last day). for example, given 2018-08, the first week of the month is from 2018-08-01 to 2018-08-05, the s...
function connect() { var socket = new SockJS( socket ); stompClient = Stomp.over(socket); stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) { setConnected(true); }); console.log("...
insert Datagram error await is only valid in async function using the mysql statement in wafer2 : ...