the project I pulled from github cannot connect to the database. I see that the database connection configured by the project is localhost, so do I want to create the database locally? if so, where is the table information in the database? using github ... cannot access when I visit now, there will be the following figure 301 and two option request errors. Is it the wrong position for me to visit? this request status information look forward to visiting, ...
first question: is there a primary branch and a secondary branch in Git? Read the article that master is the main branch, so if you create a new branch at this time, will the other branches be considered sub-branches? read the article and learned tha...
I downloaded a cPP project from github and CMAKE generated the solution for VS. I don t know how to learn from it and use it. how to redevelop this project, as I wrote before, to write MFC is a dialog box or something. I want to ask if I can t find ...
< H2 > the great gods wait online < H2 > before that, try to get Google Baidu to admit the website, and then install the instructions above in the tutorial (this is the tutorial address: https: tengj.) and then deploy to the...
Environment: Windows 10 system; I have a account and a account. The configuration on the Windows system is as follows: rxwangwb_rsagithubgitlab_rxwangwb_rsagitlabconfig: githubgitlabgitlab push: : the submission is su...
configure your own domain name in github pages, and do not use the Enforce HTTPS option. Visiting http: at this point will automatically switch to using https. ajaxhttphttpshttp after searching around google, I ...
I have found that the usage is ln -s Users apple Desktop demo.html Users apple demo.html it s just a problem. I have set up a project in bitbucket. The name may be xxx-web , so I will change to user xxx xxx-web when I come under user xxx ...
when I want to implement git Synchronize, I ignore the folders under node_modules except @ wang, that is to say, keep the @ wang folder. How should I configure .gitignore files ...
vscode automatically generates a .vscode folder during debugging. I delete it with git rm .vscode , prompting fatal: pathspec .vscode did not match any files , not even with quotation marks. How can I delete this folder? ...
lzj@lzj-PC:~ 2018_Summer Download_Threads src$ git push : 32, . Delta compression using up to 4 threads. : 100% (30 30), . : 96% (31 32), 128.00 KiB | 93.00 KiB s Hello, may I ask why this is stuck at the step of writing the object there is no big ...
problem description git push error RPC failed; curl 56 OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 10054 the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried git config http.postBuffer 524288000 on the Internet git config --glob...
problem description now there is such a requirement: there is a software, there are several versions of this software, and there is little difference between these versions. that is, most of the code in these versions is the same, and a small part o...
as shown in the figure: github github sassscssgithub: ...
can I deploy the project under https: in the code cloud, just like github s http: can store the project? just tried the code cloud, as shown in figure pages: url:tilin.gitee.iogithub: ...
problem description Local is the Win7 environment, using cmder. Then I made an action submission a few months ago, and now I want to restore the previous operation. the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried it seems that ...
Can or some boss give me an empty template? Save it and then write your own style and so on! ...
my project is configured with github branch submission triggers jenkins task, which was executed before, but today suddenly reported the following error: 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ usr local bin node , usr local bin ...
Today, when the push project arrives at github, it reports an error OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL and the efficiency is very slow. Finding a lot of methods has not solved , so you are going to upload it to gitee backup first. How can the same pro...
the github account uses DUO for two-factor authentication, which is required for each login. The user name of github has been changed before. Today, when I change my phone, I re-scan the QR code of my account with the DUO on the new phone, and then dele...