sectors are divided by arc segments, and each arc segment is a sector. so how do you distinguish between different sectors? For example, if the sector is from 0 to 11, how can I find out which sector is 0? How are each sector separated? How to identify ...
is writing a simple web app in flask. the function you want to achieve is: upload an excel file Clean up the data with pandas the resulting dataframe is previewed with a table at the front end After the preview is correct, upload it to the dat...
my log configuration is as follows: the log is automatically output to the console at runtime and suspended with nohup, and the corresponding output will also output nohup.out while my.log will also have the correct log output the log output format of...
printCnt() { 1.html 2.-sharpprint window.document.body.innerHTML = document.getElementById( orbitIframe ).contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName( body ).innerHTML; window.print(); : location.reload(); } w...
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