access lazyload https: tuupola jq. Jquery $(".lazyload-blog-selector").lazyload(); $(".lazyload-blog-selector").on( load ,function(){ img.removeClass( lazyload-blog-selector ); }); HTML <img data-sr...
I am learning the use of link tracking. But according to the tutorial, the output log should be this structure 2016-06-15 16:55:56.334 INFO [sleuth-sample,44462edc42f2ae73,44462edc42f2ae73,false] 13978 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.example.SleuthSampleApp...
or with or without api is as effective as a user clicking on a node manually ...
code tables and tag tables are many-to-many relationships code Table model use strict ; module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) { var code = sequelize.define( code , { markdown: DataTypes.TEXT, title:DataTypes.STRING },...
$redis->flushAll(); set 1. $redis->zAdd( stud ,11, zhangsan ,22, zhangsan1 ,33, zhangsan3 ); $redis->zAdd( stud ,66, zhangsan2 ,55, zhangsan6 ,44, zhangsan5 ); 2. ...