if the title is packed in mode 4, opening app will stay on the welcome page for a long time. What should I do? Find an effective solution, thank you. ...
as shown in the figure: because label1 and label2 are in the same position, there will be a deviation in the upper label2 color display. Normally, it should be the label3 display effect . UILabel *label1 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake...
ask for a third-party library of players that support online playback in rmvb format under iOS ...
1. If I switch Tab at a normal speed, there will be no problem. If I switch fast (very fast, otherwise there will be no problem), the tab, will have a blank page, that is, the navigation views in the Tab will be missing, and then I will break the point....
as described in the title, after the application is returned to the background, it will be called back after a period of time. At this time, the page is stuck, and the click event and route jump cannot be triggered. Sometimes it will work again after a w...
Swift request code: import Alamofire let parameters:[String : Any] = [ "action": "login", "login": "admin", "password": "admin" ] let urlString = "localhost:8888 index.php&qu...
as shown in the figure, there is no error message. After App starts, there is only one loading page, and then it flashes. ...
this is the method of traversing and removing the specified type subview: - (void)refresh { for (UIView *view in self.subviews) { if ([view isMemberOfClass:[GoodListThemeView class]] || [view isMemberOfClass:[SingleGoodsThemeView class]]) {...
mongodb + axios routes to background data in react environment, and the front end initiates an API request, but the server service has been enabled, and there is no problem with another request under the same file that is not connected to mongodb. Ask f...
as shown in the figure ios version is 11.3.1 Wechat version is 6.6.6 only the browser that comes with Wechat has a problem the safari browser that comes with the system does not have this problem ...
at present, it is necessary to use PHP to obtain ios game package information, such as name, version, icon, etc. found a lot on the Internet, but could not find it. Finally, I wrote one, first decompress the installation package, and then read info.pli...
after the weex project is launched, use bugly to capture abnormal crashes, etc., but can not analyze and locate? what solutions do you have? ...
Under Xcode9.3, what is the difference between block body self- > and direct self call? Why does Apple officially recommend using self-? what is the principle? -(MJRefreshNormalHeader *) refreshHeader { if (!_refreshHeader) { _refreshHeader = [MJR...
using SDK of Qiniu, I want to upload pictures of Qiniu Cloud directly with iCloud. As a result, I see that iCloud is not supported to upload pictures. I want to confirm ...
look up the relevant materials and use <video id="video" webkit-playsinline="true" playsinline="true" preload>< video> these two attributes can still click the play button on the real machine, which defaults t...
it s weird ios 11 I m using $( ")https: img.codeshelper.com upload img 2021 03 10 dftdaepnhov6272 Html ( ); I m inserting a video into button that I can display Google email normally on my computer , but I don t show safari on my ios phone...
for example, open source instant audio and video messaging is required. After the demo in webRTC is downloaded, SDK is a static library that only opens header files. where is the mobile source code for other open source SDK or WebRTC? ...
var table: UITableView! UITableView? Is the optional UITableView type, then UITableView! What does it mean? ...
there should be something here ...
after this is written, when you click to switch routes, there is no transition effect. ...
UPDATE kt_accbalance SET accbalance_ep = CASE user_id WHEN 10001 THEN accbalance_ep + 8 WHEN 10002 THEN accbalance_ep + 5 WHEN 10004 THEN accbalance_ep + 3 WHEN 10006 THEN accbalance_ep + 10 WHEN 10039 THEN accbalance_ep + 100 END WHERE user_id I...
saw the solution on the Internet, said that the lack of lrwreplaymain.dll was downloaded and put it in the SyWOW64 file, and the problem was not solved, so I came here to ask the question, partner who knows how to solve it, please teach it ....
read a lot of articles, saying that I have tried another ssh2 package. I have tested the ssh2 package ssh2-1.1.2.tgz ssh2-0.12.tgz ssh2-0.13.tgz . also depends on libssh2 libssh2-1.8.0.tar.gz libssh2-1.4.2.tar.gz have all been tested, and an...
use react and antd as the background management system. Click on the left navigation, and there will be changes on the right. How to use router4 to write the jump in the left navigation for example, if I click on the right side of platform management,...