as shown in figure do you have ready-made wheels? ...
there is a thread class (extends Thread) with the following code in the run method while(true) { Socket socket = null; GZIPInputStream gzis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { socket = new Socket(IP, PORT); gzis ...
< H2 > 360 browser compatibility mode appears "the backend configuration item is not loaded properly, the upload plug-in cannot be used properly! " < H2 > < H2 > chrome can be normal < H2 > < H2 > the console shows the following figure < H2 > ...
problem description how do I update a user s attribute automatically when multiple conditions are reached in java? the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the current implementation is to insert the code that ...
After the ssl certificate was added to the website, it was found that all static jsp pages could not be opened. Chrome reported ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE . nginx began to think that it was an internal call to http. created a test jsp page with nothing wri...
< H1 > Java lambda automatic inference error < H1 > < H2 > scene < H2 > ListUtil tool class so why do two unrelated classes, Comparator and BiFunction , conflict? And how should this conflict be resolved? ...
questions are as follows: when you hear that visual studio code supports JAVA, download and use it. There is a problem in the process of using it. No matter what you type, there is always an error Evaluation failed because the thread is not suspend...
problem description the company has a project based on srpingmvc + jsp, and the front-end display page is the introduction of js,css to the page. Due to historical reasons, the front-end engineering is not done, and the project is not suitable for com...
in the process of looking at the mybatis source code, I found that the following method was used URLClassPath ucp = getBootstrapClassPath(); click in and find that there is no source code propertitesJreAccess rules but it has not been solved. Ple...
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name methodValidationPostProcessor defined in class path resource [org springframework boot autoconfigure validation ValidationAutoConfiguration.class]: Unsatis...
H5 project is converted to Android source project, but I really don t know how to write my own custom class after using his own 5+SDK. I want to write a custom class with Android Source and then write business logic code in this class. Like starting a...
for example, the ip address of this machine is: 123.57.XX.XX. if you enter the domain name of ftp, the upload fails, and the error in the following figure is reported. what is the principle that you can succeed if you fill in localhost? $ftp_server =...
< H1 > for example, how to ensure that the code will not be garbled when the FTP server code is uncertain < H1 > We use jsch to connect to SFTP in the project, but using ls to get the Chinese file names in the file list is garbled, and if the para...
1. Configure the shutdown startup check option in the xml file, which does not work. for example, when configuring < dubbo:reference id= "demoService " interface= "cn.dubbo.service.DemoService " check= "false " > on the consumer side, it will stil...
beginners, if you encounter a problem with JPA query, please do not hesitate to give us your advice! @ Entity @ Table (name = "person ") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) @Column(name = "person_id"...
for example, 10 pieces of data I took out of the database and paged into two pages to upset the order is 10 pieces of data to be disrupted and then paged how to deal with it? Tp framework ...
problem description after obtaining the camera image using opencv, perform a series of processing, including equalization, binarization, and so on, to obtain the imageView object, so how to put this object on the interface of javafx? And the camera wi...
how can svn be deployed to the same site with two domain names, one for the official domain name and one for the test domain name, and then by submitting an automatic update to the test domain name, the testable official domain name needs to go to the se...
< H1 > what is the main purpose of upnp protocol? Can this requirement be achieved? < H1 > Baidu went to php java to implement upnp, and found that they are all profiles . so I d like to ask a question: if there are multiple routers and multiple nat...