< H2 > the main method executes an exception and does not exit the program all the time < H2 > A RuntimeException,Spring container startup interrupt is thrown in the static code block of the class, but the program has not been terminated. I don t kn...
in working memory, there are method stack frames and registers. Pc, is understandable, but why should some referenced main memory variables be copied to working memory? I don t think it s necessary at all, which leads to cache consistency problems. Or...
import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Properties; public class PropertyUtil { public static void main(String[] args) { Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(PropertyUtil.class.getClassLoade...
Why can t JVM tuning be automated? ...
< H2 > the book says: during the concurrent cleanup phase, the user thread is still running, and new garbage may be generated during this period. New garbage cannot be removed this time GC, but can only be cleaned up next time. These rubbish have a profe...
https: www.cnblogs.com ggjuc. this article says: < H2 > 1 CMS will not defragment the heap, so in order to prevent full gc, from causing heap fragmentation, merge the fragments by opening the CMS phase: < H2 > does this mean that after CMS full g...
see a paragraph: < H2 > before Minor GC occurs, the virtual machine checks whether the largest contiguous space available in the old era is larger than the total space of all objects in the new generation. If this condition is true, then Minor GC can e...
for example, if the machine full gc seven or eight times at regular intervals in an afternoon, how to start to query the problem? I feel that I can t see anything when I look at the jstack log. Mengxin asks for help. ...
in JAVA, running programs can be managed and monitored through the JMX interface. you can obtain the program GC through the open function of JMX, as follows: public class TestJMX { public static void main(String[] args) { List<GarbageC...
is CAS compare and set or compare and sweep, or are these two different things ...
uses the latest "html2canvas ": "^ 1.0.0-alpha.12 " configure print(){ let printMeEl = this.$refs.printMe this.$html2canvas(printMeEl, { type: dataURL , useCORS: true, }).then((canvas) => { this.output = canva...
define in models.py jiezhi_date = models.DateTimeField (blank = True, null = True, db_index = True, verbose_name = _ (u information cutoff )) in the template: < div style= "color:-sharpA8B1BA; " class= "text " > deadline: {{form.jiezhi_date}}...
html html : The hyperlinks have become http: undefined? read the online changes are not successful. I don t know what s going on? ...
part of the A page is the content of the B page (it may be used that the iframe), B page is a mobile page. To close the pop layer of the B page, you need to trigger the tap event of the B page. So here s the problem: how do I trigger a tap event on a...
1. The mobile calls the same and selects the picture upload function. 2. Is there a way to know whether the upload method is photo upload or choose picture upload ...