function jsCompile() { return gulp .src(paths.src.jsFiles) .pipe( babel({ presets: ["@babel preset-env"], plugins: ["@babel plugin-transform-runtime"] }) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist.bas...
problem description package-lock.json is used to fix the dependent version. Why is it that most of the time the version of npm install package-lock.json, is supposed to be fixed and should not be changed without installing a new dependency? why? the...
cannot connect to the public network, but there is a npm image. You want to use webstorm s vue template to create a project is to configure webpack?. It s still vue-cli?. or give up using scaffolding to guide packages directly ...
centos 7.4,6.8 Press node canvas failed referred to a lot of online tutorials, the same installation failed to solve dependency is also installed npm install canvas > canvas@2.0.1 install root node_modules canvas > node-pre-gyp install --fa...
npm cannot install any modules, and both node and npm can view the version number. windows7 64-bit system, this happens after npm modifies the default installation path once (see figure). No modules can be installed! related codes Please pa...
was right before. After pulling the file from git again, npm install and son npm run dev reported this error. I don t know what s going on. ...
this is the previous local file directory: git : git: Why are there no build and package-lock.json files? it s strange that there are no git pages. When my newly cloned project runs npn run dev, it will report an error that the files in build cann...
when npm install, first of all, the Times mistakenly exceeded the maximum memory. It probably means that when I reinstall version 4.6.1 of npm, and re-install, I always stay in the place of fetchMetadata: sill mapToRegistry xxxxurl. After three hours, th...
echo %1 cd d %1 git checkout master git pull origin master npm run build -sharp cd d %1 dist git pull origin master pause ...
problem description I have been looking for it for a long time on the Internet, saying that it is the problem of ssl certificate. according to the following widely circulated method, it still doesn t work . the platform version of the problem and w...
vue data, properties, event binding, these can be regarded as "stand-alone " functions, is the component function "stand-alone "? Is the vue routing for the switching component function "stand-alone "? Is npm run dev a necessary condition for the s...
after npm install after cloning the project, the prompt as shown in the title appears and 52 vulnerabilities appear After the problem occurred, I did not take any action to continue to run npm run dev , and the project was running normally without ...
download the package through cnpm I and start the project normally for the first time. An error will be reported if the correction is changed and the startup is changed. indicates that the package is missing, as shown in the figure. I can understand th...
the target file cannot be generated when webpack url-loader is used related codes this is the webpack.config.js code var webpack = require ( "webpack "); var ExtractTextPlugin = require ( extract-text-webpack-plugin ); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = ...
how do I uninstall all npm global packages (including npm itself) and node.js in Windows10 and Unbuntu 16.04.2? A search on the Internet has found a lot of commands. It seems that uninstalling npm and nodejs is not an easy task. Ask for advice. ...
the details are as follows: my computer has both react projects and vue projects, which can be installed normally before. In my own impression, I did not change any configuration, using git and vscode for development, and easyPHP to start the database....
Will the npm delete the old version before installing the new version? or will both exist just referencing the new version? ...
A set of components mUI, is first released to npm with version v2.0.0. later builds a set of npm private servers, and then publishes mUI to private servers, and the version is changed to v1.0.0. After then switches to private servers to install mUI, on...
$ nvm install 7 $ npm i koa $ node my-koa-app.js on the official website of koa, I see that nvm, doesn t understand the difference between nvm and npm ...
problem description encountered when using the instruction npm install background there are package.json files available in the directory. { "name": "myPackage", "version": "0.0.1", "dependencie...
here are some error messages ERROR in . node_modules mavon-editor dist css index.css 1:0 Module parse failed: Unexpected character @ (1:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. > @font-face{font-family:fontello;src:url(.. ...
Boss database has a user table with an IP field in it. How can I find out all the data with duplicate IP in this table? ...
when doing front-end development, you often need to deal with url, so do you write a util to deal with it or use some open source libraries to deal with it? I would like to know what open source libraries are suitable for dealing with url? (processing ur...
The pop-up window in the page is hidden in the div on this page. Only when you click the mouse will it pop up . how can I get the pop-up window information with requests ...