https: u013802. $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO table_name (name) VALUES (?)"); $stmt->bind_param( s , $postedName); I use this way to inject data into . It seems to be possible to wait for Filter. I see that "f...
these days because of frequently watching MVC (PHP) on the Internet and personally implementing some scripts, and looking at Laravel , I found that MVC is a file that will look for a lot of FUNCTION and then even FUNCTION will look for FUNCTION . What ...
by adding a c method to the source code of php, and then compiling it into an os or dll file, replacing the original extension, can you add your own function to the system? notice that I m talking about C extensions. ...
ask a previous practice first function me{ } assume that this function is introduced at the beginning of every page , but it is introduced even though most pages do not need it. and I write functions as classes + namespace to use , but each page sti...
problem description querylist is used on the php7.2 version, but php7.2 abolishes each the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes The each () function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed...
this is my favorite: $page = $_GET[ page ]; $page == ? $page = 1 : ; $page_size = $page_data[ data_1 ]; $res = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `blog` "); $row_count = $res->num_rows; $page_num = ceil($row_co...
situation: uncertain orders are generated every day suppose there are eight orders generated today id status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I use loops to change the status of these eight orders to "shipping " . question: how can I tu...
Google chart problem official document https: $.getJSON( XXX&m= + m, function(json) { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(json); data.addColumn( string , ); data.addColumn( number , ...
I would like to ask if there are multiple sub-items in a main commodity multiple sub-items will have their own inventory how can the database plan correctly? main commodity prod_id stock price 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 10 30 Sub-merc...
<input name="f1[]" class=""> <input name="f2[]" class=""> <input name="f3[]" class=""> <input name="f4[]" class=""> <input name="f5[]" cl...
Database query results: 11 code ID 1 purchased 3 times 11 Legacy ID 2 purchased 10 times on November 12th, ID 36 purchased once on November 12th, ID 37 purchased once SQL statement "$chartData " countid ID FROM_UNIXTIMEadd_time m...
I have recently seen a lot of OOP teaching mysqli (or PDO), found it to be a new world). The way I now connect to databases and statements is to introduce a large php file on each page, including links, and there are many small php files, which may be f...
assume the data table relationship: order order data sheet: order_id public_order_id 1 AAA 2 BBB 3 CCC prod goods data sheet: order_id prod_id 1 100 1 101 1 102 2 101 2 103 3 102 3 104 Front end display AAA BBB CCC when...
I use the keyup event to automatically save fields to the database html <input type="file" id="file" name="cover" accept="image jpeg, image png, image jpg"> ajax $( body ).on( keyup , -sharpconten...
suppose the following is a loop <form> form <? while ($row = ... { ?> <button class="btn-selector" data-id="<?=$row[ prod_id ];?>">select this< button> <? } ?> < form> if there...
my current website environment is ubuntu 16.04 Apache Mariadb Php Jquery I m going to divide the website into languages at present, but I don t know how to cut it correctly. the same site content, but in different languages? websites have ba...
SELECT ss.quan FROM `stock` as ss JOIN `order_record` as r ON r.order_id = ss.order_id WHERE ss.from = c AND r.from = c AND r.status = ing AND ss.prod_id = 120 GROUP BY ss.order_id ...
suddenly encountered a thorny problem. . . suppose there is a blog I am using htaccess to rewrite RewriteRule ^ blog$ src blog.php and then I think of a question: suppose I want to set a subdomain name? I want him to read the php file in ...
assume that the front end is <input type="hidden" name="cart_prod_id[]" value="<?=$row[ prod_id ];?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity[]" value="<?=$row[ quan ];?>...
assume that the current user_id = 1 uc table prod_id user_id 102 1 103 1 cs table prod_id user_id 102 1 I want to find out 103, that is, those data that are available in the uc table but not in the cs table SELECT uc.prod_id F...
the error message is as follows: external "querystring "? 71da:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at eval (external "querystring"?71da:1) at Object.<anonymous> (app.js:2401) at __webpack_require__ (app.js:621) at fn (a...
res=requests.get( https: gongsi _zzz_c101010100_iy100014_t801_s301 ,headers=headers) turn=etree.HTML(res.text).xpath( div[@class="page"] a[contains(@ka,"page-next")] @href ) turn [] next_page is not None Tracebac...
problem description enter the number in the input box of the table, and then the line of the total price calculates the sum you just entered the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please ...
problem description using the official demo, to report an error directly, is img the same as undefined,ios? How do everyone use < recycle-list > component the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried sdk:0.18.0 re...
as the title the picture is as follows: how should this be solved? Vue-cli-based projects ...