what can the front end play in the data center, in addition to writing charts and pages? ...
problem description now I m going to convert the rotate of svg to calculate the translation and rotation angles the background of the problem and what methods I have tried function rotate (p1 and p2. R) { var x=p1.x-p2.x; var y=p1.y-p2.y; var x0=p...
is still a unique translation api? ...
after installing the new version of python, all the virtual environments created by virtualenv went wrong. is there any way to solve this problem? ...
in pipelines, the code is as follows: import logging from scrapy.utils.log import configure_logging configure_logging(install_root_handler=False) logging.basicConfig( filename= log.txt , format= %(levelname)s: %(message)s , level=loggi...
deny, is set in Rule but does not take effect: the code is as follows: 123123 :( Rule(LinkExtractor(allow= d+- d+- d+ .*?-.*?.shtml , deny=( http: search.******.com.cn .*? )), callback= parse_item , follow=True), ...
the whole script can be run, but there is something I don t understand Zip_command = "rar a% s% s "% (target, .join (source) is not understood in the script. I hope someone who understands it can explain the principle. -sharp! usr bin python -s...
I am a rookie. I used the exec method when reading a crawler textbook, but there was one thing I didn t understand, so I simplified that paragraph into a function. in the first case, the name variable is connected with both ends with +, the second is ...
linkList = response.xpath ( td [@ class= "pming_black12 ms-rteTableOddCol-BlueTable_CHI "] a br > print (linkList) this response returns garbled, and the xpath does not match if response. Body.decode ( utf-8 ) will report without xpath how ...
7886 2019-01-01 19:21:38 searchwww DEBUG: Crawled (301) < GET http: www.sec.gov Archives e.; (referer: None) 7887 2019-01-01 19:21:38 searchwww WARNING: File (code: 301): Error downloading file from < GET http: www.sec.gov Archives e. from scrapy....
I m going to crawl the paper data on Web of science based on the author s name, and submit the author s name and sid, result using the post method. r.text returns correct, and can also match the required information . But! I m going to get the url ...
is writing a word cloud at the beginning of python, but there is still nothing in wordcount at present. Is there something wrong with the circular input? where stopwords is a content set containing commonly used non-essential words >>> import...
problem description When vgg16.npy performs fine-tuning, because the dimension of the input image is not 224, the dimension of the full connection layer is wrong after flattening. How to solve this problem? the environmental background of the proble...
I was prompted for this error while I was running. Baidu check, all said because of grammar or there is no http. But I couldn t find out exactly what went wrong. Please help me to point out what went wrong. ...
import numpy as np a=np.linspace(1,16,16) ma=a.reshape(4,4) print(ma) print(np.linalg.det(ma)) [1.2.3.] [] [] [] -1.820448242817726e-31 the determinant value should be 0, resulting in-1.82nmv0448242817726e-31. How to m...
python3.6.6 s requests library sends https requests, and memory leaks occur in win10,ubuntu16.04 . I asked on stackoverflow,github, but no one answered. I also had this problem in the official version of Python before 3.6.1. Now I have fixed , but I ...
s = f"""{fsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf{2}dsfsdfsdffsf}""" error SyntaxError: invalid syntax < H2 > what should I do with {} nested in fstring? < H2 > ...
problem description I have test9.py and test10.py in a work directory test9.py,debug. question 1. Now I m going to do debug, at the break point under test10.py. Why did debug, jump back to test9.py? 2. I expect to use a configuration applicatio...
thinking about setting up a crawler to monitor the ticket release of 12306 fixed trains. it is normal to run after writing on my computer. The crawling frequency is not high. Climb every five minutes, and each time you climb for 8 days in turn. There i...
thinking about setting up a crawler to monitor the ticket release of 12306 fixed trains. it is normal to run after writing on my computer. The crawling frequency is not high. Climb every five minutes, and each time you climb for 8 days in turn. There i...
there are two files, A.txt and B.txt. there are 3000w rows of data in A.txt. The contents separated by spaces between id and username are as follows: id usernmae 1 zhangsan 2 lisi ...... there are 3000w rows of data in B.txt. The contents sep...
scenario: users leave comments on certain works, etc. A single table in the database stores these messages, which contains information such as the user s profile picture and nickname. Scheme: user id, is used in the comment table to associate...
java cooperated with opencv to write a small monitoring software based on usb camera under windows system. saved on disk in the form of 8 photos per second, resulting in too many fragmented files. it takes too long to delete using the normal delete com...
1. In all component trees, if VNode is a component or a slot, that contains components, then VNode must be unique. So the following two examples are wrong. how to understand this first error Chestnut: <div id= app > <ele> ...
in the case of non-seamless scrolling, when sliding to the end of the content, there is no buffer sliding, how to achieve? ...