when I finished doing it with raspberry pie, I connected the 2k game tough player screen. Before, the notebook and ps4 were well connected. When I went home to open the computer tonight, I found that there was no signal input on the screen! Raspberry p...
the code is as follows $(function(){ $( .a ).on( click ,function(){ var counter=0 counterPP }) $( .b ).on( click ,function(){ if(counter>=3){ alert(3) } }) }) there are two bu...
for example: abdsdsdfsdf1526614206112164350fskdfskdf1526614199681037404bcmvbcvbmcnvz: match 1526614206112164350 and 1526614199681037404 in the string, add quotation marks on both sides, and process it as follows: abdsdsdfsdf "1526614206112164350 " fskdf...
No problem on this machine and on my own server your own server github pages ...
$courseDetail = M( course ) ->field( c.course_id,c.name,from_unixtime(c.time) as course_time,c.room_id,tu.teacher_id,tu.relname as teacher_name, tu.mobile as teacher_mobile,su.student_id,su.nickname as student_name,su.mobile as student_...
as shown in the figure, the template for selecting a date cannot be popped up after clicking the calendar icon , ...