question: in the actual project, I use redis as the resource lock. Only the thread that acquires the lock is allowed to execute. And then finally release the lock. The thread was blocked for 16 minutes before the resource was released. try to solve:...
for example, how do I check the amount of storage space occupied by db6? ...
this exception occurs during a distributed crawler using scrapy-redis , not from the beginning, but from the crawler. Five machines are used to crawl at the same time. exception information Traceback (most recent call last): File " Library ...
when a novice learns redis and tries a redis lock, the go code is as follows: while(true) { xxxxxxx } grab the lock. So I wonder if the real production environment is also realized in this way. I was wrong in the first place. If you have releva...
the last step in creating a redis cluster with docker-compose is to use redis-cli to concatenate the started redis nodes, but redis-cli-cluster create has an interactive process (you need to enter "yes "). How to accomplish this whole operation in dock...
getting it through php code will always be serialized> ZRANGE key 0 -1 WITHSCORES 1) "i:1;" 2) "1" 3) "s:6: "google ";" 4) "1" 5) "i:4;" 6) "2" 7) "s:4: &q...
I have learned a lot of knowledge and tools, as well as the basics of linux, according to books or official documents on the Internet, and I feel that the content is enough for my basic nature of use (and indeed enough for work), this is the background...
Business logic: users vote, and records are written after voting; after successful voting, the user status is changed and no more votes are allowed. it s OK to pass the postman test interface directly, and the data is normal. However, as long as th...
in the implementation of panic buying second kill function under high concurrency, I have a question, that is, the problem of data storage, when to store it. idea: 1. Judging that he snapped up successfully, he immediately wrote the generated order da...
recently, I m going to take relational algebra; that is, database principles; my first contact is an abstract sql statement (I don t know if that s right). now I d like to ask, what kind of database should the relational algebra of this way of writ...
Why does dict try not to expand its capacity when redis is in bgsave? Why does dict not have to consider whether it is in bgsave when downsizing? ...
I d like to ask why I run redis-cli through shell-- run lua script through eval, and pass parameters to nil. I did the same thing about commas separating spaces on the Internet, but I just couldn t get the parameters. I would like to ask all the bosse...
if len(response) != len(commands): self.connection.disconnect() raise ResponseError("Wrong number of response items from " "pipeline execution") under what...
<?php $redis->pipeline(); if(count($productIds) > 1){ foreach($productIds as $key=>$productId) { foreach($productIds as $k => $memberId){ if($productI...
as shown in the picture, it is reconnected every 30 seconds. Is this normal? if it is normal, how do I close this log? ...
Why does the multi of Redis not package the command to the redis server as pipeline does, but instead send a package with one command? ...
what will happen if the data is read and written during reshard without downtime? ...
assume that the mysql database comment table has many fields, such as ID, time, content, commentator, and so on. When using redis cache, why does someone on the Internet say that just use the list data type to store ID? In that case, after getting the co...
mongodb is the way key-value is stored, and like redis, their value supports multiple data types. how to understand the document storage of MongoDB, does it mean that it can store word documents or Excel or pictures directly? Unlike mysql, it is the pa...
remote access with password: : : has been set: password, protected-mode no ...