is like this, I want to do an automated software, want to call a button in his sub-form, can not find the idea, for example, notepadPP, how to use other programs to display his Preference interface, and click to modify Language to chinese? ...
the WEB server is installed locally and can only be accessed within the local area network. How can I access the local WEB server from the external network? I found an open source holer software on the Internet, which seems to be able to access from t...
recently read "Java concurrent programming practice, " in Section 4.4.1, there is an example: suppose we need a thread-safe List, that needs to provide us with an atomic "put-if-absent " operation. And two implementations are provided: A non-thread...
how can materialized view refresh automatically in postgres? because to do BI applications, you need to use materialized view, but it is troublesome to manually refresh every time. How can you let materialized view update automatically when the data s...
enable php-fpm status function and access domain status, result 404? nginx configuration location = status { include snippets fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix: var run php php7.0-fpm.sock; } php-fpm configuration pm.status_path = stat...
clusterize() { return new Clusterize({ rows: this.DomArray, scrollId: this.scrollId, contentId: this.contentId, rows_in_block: this.rows_in_block, blocks_in_cluster: this.blocks_in_cluster, show_no_da...
how to use flume to listen to a local directory and transfer a file to a specified directory on another machine when a new file is generated under the directory ...