the existing code is as follows: const start = 2017; const source = range(start - 10, 10); source.subscribe(console.log); is there a better way for question 2? ...
problem description recently, the company writes a project with vue. The product mentions a placeholder that writes multiple lines in < textarea > (or implements the default multiline prompt). The project is pulled with textare a pulled by element...
-sharp coding=utf-8 import serial cmd = [0xa5, 0x00, 0x09, 0x0a, 0xcc, 0x33, 0xc3, 0x3c, 0xa6] with serial.Serial( dev ttyAMA0 , 115200, timeout=1) as ser: for i in cmd: k = chr(i) ser.write(k) s = print(s) ...
ask the Talbe component in IView to replace the data, you need to display the value "1 | 2 " of the "gender " column as "male | female " respectively here is the code: <template> <tables ref="tables" v-model="usrLis...
problem description the title may not be clear enough, and the problem is described as follows: I used nodejs + v8.h + libuv to develop a plug-in for nodejs to call a local device driver, in which the function of calling the device to get data uses l...
background: recently, when I took over a new project, due to the older dependency packages used in the new project, many versions of the dependency packages were no longer maintained, so in order to develop better in the future, I upgraded the depende...