error message is: ERROR in 0_cd84ae3b709f08269cb2.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: name (raf) [0_cd84ae3b709f08269cb2.js:45801,4] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2 npm ERR! etl-web@1.0.0 build: `npm run test && cross-env NODE_ENV=prod...
performance optimization problem: slow ajax requests affect the jump between pages. problem description: click, click on the personal Center or other tabs, the right boundary will stutter will not immediately switch, will switch after a while. as sho...
when writing a simple boot Mini Program today, the automatic injection class was written as javax.activation.DataSource, for a long time. I suddenly find myself a stranger to this area. Can anyone explain the difference? ...
JS requests to PHP through AJAX. Does PHP response echo represent the end of a request? Can there be multiple echo? can PHP respond to this AJAX request multiple times? for example, PHP: for($i = 0 ; $i < 200000 ; $i PP){ mission_1() } ech...
there is such a requirement: < div id= "demo " > < div > This element appears when the page enters, then disappears after 5 seconds, appears after an interval of 8 seconds, and disappears again after 5 seconds, repeating this process. my idea is ...