effect to be achieved: : Settings: var mySwiper = new Swiper( .swiper-container-column , { direction: horizontal , slidesPerColumn : 2, grabCursor: true, slidesPerView: 2.5, initialSlide: 0, slidesPerColumnFill : row , c...
swiper officially comes with a progress navigation bar, but it s not what I need. I want that, for example, if autoplay is set to 5000, the progress navigation bar will gradually increase by a percentage, and when it reaches 5000 milliseconds, the swipe...
: In the figure, there is a transparent layer with a layer of .75. If you delete this, the picture will be normal. What is the situation? ...
when you encounter a requirement in the project, scroll the winning list infinitely, either on the phone or package it into app. When you swipe two times, it will scroll intermittently . var mySwiper = new Swiper ( .swiper-container , { dire...
the vue project uses "vue-awesome-swiper ": "^ 2.5.4 " to realize the rotation error report. steps are as follows: 1, install 2, introduce component reference import { swiper, swiperSlide } from vue-awesome-swiper export default { ...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) <swiper indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}"...
subject https: idangero.us swiper de. I found this package, which can slide left and right , but I find that when I try to change the second and third slide levels, the default is 80%. If I slide to the third one to the right, he will be cut off, ...
it makes sense to initialize the callback init to indicate that swiper should be loaded, but what you get is undefined , and it s normal to add a timer. What s the problem? html <div class="swiper-container"> <div clas...
use the swiper plug-in. After setting slideTo, it automatically jumps from the fifth page to the first page. After the jump is completed, it will prevent autoplay, from continuing to play after he jumps. ...
when you set loop to true, when you cycle back to the first picture for the second time, the data is gone . ...
Mobile uses the swiper carousel plug-in. Automatic scrolling is set, as shown in the figure. When you slide part of the mouse, the mouse sometimes gets stuck. Under normal circumstances, the mouse slide will slide over automatically. Now you can t fi...
use vue to render a large amount of data (picture and text list) + swiper + 10 + tab to the end, the more data, the more memory it takes up to 100m, how to optimize it to dozens of m ...
Mobile H5 promotion page is generally 3 screens. Use to do up and down to switch to the second screen. There are some hyperlinks in the second screen, pointing to another swiper, . The second swiper is a detailed introduction of the second screen . ...
THANKS FOR YOUR time! parent component <!--tab swiper--> <li class="tab-item" v-for="(item,index) in processItems" @click="tabProcess(index)" :class="{active: processTabActiveIndex === index}"> ...
how to use swiper to implement cascading and rowing of the following image. After the picture, two pictures of different sizes are leaked. ...
swiper.js 3.0 report this error while slipping: VM2191:16 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute getComputedStyle on Window : parameter 1 is not of type Element . at t.v.getTranslate (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js?v=v1_201807:2), <a...
vue using swiper import Swiper from swiper ; methods: { __init_swiper: function () { let swiper = new Swiper( -sharpswiper_container , { autoplay: { disableOnInteraction: false, delay: ...
if the slidesPerView I set is 1.2, the initialslide initializer will not take effect. If you comment out the slidesPerView, the setting of the initialslide will take effect. I need both of these attributes. How to solve the problem ?...
the event of WeChat Mini Programs s component swiper: bindchange, is written directly in mpvue like the following, and will not be triggered, why? <swiper class="content_top weui-article" :current=currentTab @bindchange="switchTab&q...
the part of swiper is v-for, but it only works for the swiper of the first option, and the swiper of other loops does not work. How to solve this problem? <template> <div class="content clearfix"> <div class="leftBar...
looking at the source code of create-react-app, I see a tool file clearConsole.js , which can clear the console: . function clearConsole() { process.stdout.write(process.platform === win32 ? x1B[2J x1B[0f : x1B[2J x1B[3J x1B[H ); } ...
when opened with the IE11 kernel like this, the page content is squeezed to the left, regardless of whether the compatibility mode is set to IE. but if the computer uses an IE8 browser, there will be no problem when it is opened. What is the reason...
cordova version difference, recent version upgrade ...
use canvas s drawImage method to add watermark to the picture, but the watermark is very blurred, how do you solve it the effect of blur Code context.drawImage (icon, targetWidth-77, targetHeight-17,17,17); ...
JavaScript regular expression requires that all characters can be entered, but must contain letters (case-insensitive) and numbers, and the total length is not less than 8 digits ....