error have you met anyone? How to solve it? ...
Why are there so many blanks at the end of the click? Is it because I set the width. What to do with it. My vue-awesome-swiper plug-in ...
attach code: swiperOption: { notNextTick: true, autoplay: false, direction: horizontal , setWrapperSize: true, autoHeight: true, centeredSlides: true, paginationClickable: true, navigation: { nextEl: .s...
Vue has a Unknown custom element: < swiper > problem after using Swiper error code icon the program code goes like this: main.js import Vue from vue import App from . App import router from . router import axios from axios i...
use the swiper plug-in to put js into stat and quote the Times incorrectly. I made this mistake after I installed it with npm. Excuse me, what s going on? The mistake of Zongbao error as shown in the figure! ...
cannot loop?? with slides Grid var swiper = new Swiper( .adviser-list .swiper-container , { autoplay: true, loop : true, slidesPerView: 3, slidesPerColumn: 2, spaceBetween: 10, navigation: { ...
use swiper to do a rotation on the h5 page, add shadow effect, slide to the left to appear a pixel of blank, remove the shadow effect [change the projection margin to 0 is still blank], there will be no blank http:
I am a globally introduced swiper component, which is normal before auto-rotation is enabled, but after it is enabled. I found a mistake. It s normal until the last one, but when it comes to the last one, it seems to take a little longer, and then the ...
vue uses swiper to enter through router-link, and typesetting is not correct, as shown in figure . Why? Code: the code can be downloaded from Baidu s online disk: https: s 1ImGg.. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"...
sliders in the carousel chart is uncertain. The data is retrieved from the api API, but there is a delay in data retrieval. I use setTimeout to simulate calling api , and then use setTimeout to update the swiper instance. problem: the broadcast...
when you use vue-awesome-swiper to make a rotation picture on the mobile end to get a picture from to the background, when the last picture is switched to the second picture instead of the first , Baidu has a way to initialize swiper after getting data...
uses zepto.js sliding left and right on full screen. One screen includes slide switch, which is also slide left and right. Using swiper.js, when sliding slide image switch, it slides directly to the next screen. How to let the left and right slide of sw...
1.npm install swiper@3.4.1-- save-dev installs the swiper dependency package 2.import Swiper from swiper ; references dependencies on the page, and the node has loaded images, but the page does not display domcreated page display is blank, ther...
var mySwiper = new Swiper( .swiper-container , { slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 20, speed: 1000, autoplay: { delay: 800, stopOnLastSlide: false, disableOnInteraction: false, }...
the code is as follows: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Swiper demo< title> <!-- Link Swiper s CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href...
vue-awesome-swiper, can be used in vue, but the swiper-pagination is empty and there is no paging effect. < div data-v-5818899c= " " class= "swiper-pagination " > < div > < swiper: options= "swiperOption " ref= "mySwiper " > <!-- slides --...
swiper 23 8 but all I want is to turn the page instead of sliding to the end of the element or is there any good plug-in that slides through the page ...
Hello, bosses! at the request of a friend, help him test a web vulnerability. after writing and running a HTTP GET, which he thought was very simple, he found that he could not achieve the desired effect in any case HttpWebRequest url =xxx, met...
if I need to make a log record of the user s behavior, such as recording an info log when the user registers and a login log when logging in, that is, I want to do a log record for every behavior on the controller, but I don t want to log it in Control...
reference documentation for example: class MyObserver { public function saving(Model $model) { $model } } this method is currently used to deal with it: protected $request; public function __construct(Request $request) ...
I only know global components and local components. I don t know what parent-child components are, nor do I introduce the tutorials on the Internet. I just talked about parent-child communication and passing values. Which god can explain the parent-chil...
in the past, in the react SPA project, I would listen for changes in parameters through the react lifecycle, and then re-request data, but the server rendering does not have this lifecycle, how can I listen? original code: componentWillReceiveProps(ne...