I have created a new web project to practice. After web.xml has written the configuration, visit servlet. 500 errors were reported the first time you visited servlet, and 404 errors were reported the second time. first time: : web.xml: ask the gr...
recently, when I was watching a mobile phone app tutorial with a high imitation of Lashou, there was a problem when I saw the commodity information in the main interface. It used PullToFresh to achieve the functions of pull-down refresh and pull-up load...
when arranging the test server, transferring tomcat to linux found that it could not start smoothly. After opening the log, the following error occurred INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production env...
the current URL of the project is the address of http: www.xxx.cn project_name is usr local tomcat webapps project_name then I think all http: www.xxx.cn project_name (. *.).do requests are handed over to tomcat s requestmapping project_na...
the same maven project runs normally under STS. After importing idea, start tomcat to report to ConflictingBeanDefinitionException, but I m pretty sure there is only one ReportController class under this project. error message: 26-Apr-2018 20 org.ap...
the war package is dropped under the webappas directory: ci-0.1.war automatically generates the ci-0.1 directory. run the catalina.sh run access link http: ip:8080 ci-0.1 reported 404 web.xml configuration 1: <Host name="localhost&qu...
recently there are a lot of major updates to springboot2, so I m going to take a look at spring-webflux s use of the built-in netty container as a startup container. although I have just encountered some holes in my hands, I have seen the effect as ...
maven refers to the third party jar package path configuration right to start tomcat report NoClassDefFoundError error message: critical: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class [org.springframework.web.context.Conte...
how to access tomcat, of different ports open on this machine through nginx for example, there are six tomcat on this machine is tomcat1 8080 tomcat2 8081 tomcat3 8082 tomcat4 8083 tomcat5 8084 tomcat6 8085 , respectively. then the server newl...
is that when I was learning Servlet, I saw that there was another way to connect to the database, but I made a mistake in the test. this is what the book says Context ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp e...
1. After updating the project, I found that Tomcat did not load the latest project resources 2. I need to mvn package every time I start Tomcat, otherwise my project will not be up-to-date (no matter what has been changed, I need to mvn package o (updat...
vue-router uses history mode, and the backend is tomcat,. How to configure the backend so that you can access url directly without reporting 404 requests? Apache and nginx are all found on the Internet. Ask for help. ...
the front end uses the vuejs, back end to deploy on the tomcat server using java spring, and the background directory of the request for access to the dist, front end through 8080 is webapp. now there is a problem: visit a top-up page at the front end. ...
I downloaded intellij idea2017 3.3,3.4 to configure tomcat both reported errors: Invalid Data:Port is not specified HTTP port 8080 JMX port 1099 AJP port 1099 No reply to the corresponding question can be found on the Internet, and tomcat is also n...
this semester, the teacher gave a project, which is to design a push system. The main function is to realize the function that the server pushes data to the mobile or PC, and the mobile or PC can feedback the data. Because I am a mechanical student, I d...
Today, the server of the program has been changed, and the program can run, and WeChat Pay has no problem, that is, when calling Wechat to stop recording API (wx.stopRecord), fail, Code: function wxRecStop(recNext) { wx.stopRecord({ succe...
problem description: basically prevents users from making malicious requests, limits the number of visits per unit time , and then makes an aop, but I can t get the return value of the aop method in the controller layer, as follows: @Pointcut("...
in daily development, we always encounter all kinds of anomalies. If there are anomalies, we need information to analyze and analyze, and the information usually comes from logs. In our company, some modules have a few G logs a day (too many). Some logs ...
web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name>mvc-dispatcher< servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet< servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1< load-on-startup> ...
compile tomcat 8.5 source code successfully, start successfully, access localhost:8080 Times Unable to compile class for JSP error. Access to non-jsp (such as ico,png) resources is normal. configure environment: : : used solution: when searching...
def _requests_(self,title_list,link_list,time_list,args): for num in range(0,len(time_list)): -sharp -sharp sql="select id from news_source where publishTime=%s and link=%s ;"%(time_list[num],link_list[num])...
the use of elementUI, in a project requires a single-row N-column table. The number of columns is not fixed and needs to be generated dynamically. And the contents of each cell provide editing function. < hr > dynamically generated columns are imple...
the previous cognition is: first execute the global function context to enter the function execution stack, then pop up the execution stack at the end of execution, and then go to the asynchronous message queue to get the message through the event loop,...
ask for advice on code coverage of automated testing 0karma: . index.js: spec.js: srcContext.. .. app common js : however, there is a problem with the number of coverage, good side ...
encapsulates a function a.js , which is a complete function without writing exposure. function a () {} after I introduced it in vue, I made a mistake in using the Times, saying an is not defined it works when I write the function in vue s meth...