let timeoutId: Timer = setTimeout(() => { console.log( ok ); }, 250); vscode prompts that there is no Timer type, but if I replace Timer with number, he prompts me that the Timer type returned by setTimeout cannot be assigned to the number type...
this is the code: <div class="col-7"> <label>:< label> <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="" (keyup)="inputCoinQty()" required [min]="0...
when studying Mini Program, I found that webstorm has no relevant code hint plug-ins, only an old code snippet plug-in, so I want to write a d.ts by myself. The problem now is that there can be hints, but if the parameter is a function, it cannot comp...
uses axios, in a new typescript project in vue-cli3.0, so it introduces in main.ts. import axios from axios ; Vue.prototype.$axios = axios; axios.defaults.baseURL = http: ; error is reported in vue file this is the metho...
In the site, click to the right to display one page and to the left to display another page. I really don t know how to write the class file in the hero component, and the big god can help. Code in the animation class file: import {animate, state, ...
The code import type Watcher from . watcher is often seen in the Vue source code. What is the usage of import type here? ...
typescript introduces echarts to use gradient LinearGradient pass ". " Cannot access LinearGradient error report: Property LinearGradient does not exist on type Graphic import * as echarts from echarts lib echarts ; new echarts.graph...
defines a tool function that is expected to be used to select different elements. It infers that the return type is Element, but this is a base class, and the methods and properties of many specific classes cannot be prompted automatically. export cons...
when initializing a project that supports typescript using vue-cli 3.0, in phpstorm, the following statement!: will be reported by the editor: expecting newline or semicolon there is no error in using npm run lint this is the initialized project, no c...
problem description ordinary declare declare function hello1(s: string):void; declare global declare global { function hello2(s: string):void } declare any of the above in the declaration file xxx.d.ts , hello1 hello2, can be detect...
as shown in figure node_modules react-router-dom : ps: this project cannot run after the previous project has been pulled down recently. The reason should be that the previous dependency has been updated, but the previous dependency is still cited in...
will there be such a situation when asynchronous ajax requests are made? when 0ms makes the first request 100ms, make the second request 200ms to get the response of the first request 300ms get the response of the first request ...
the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried when I tried to add a ng-zorro-antd module, an error occurred and the function was not written. I used the command ng add @ ng-zorro-antd schematics, but failed related codes ...
1. Because of the need of the project, we need a video playback function. After Baidu, many people recommend using videogular2, but report errors when using it . paste my code: training-start.Module.ts code: import {NgModule} from @ angular core ;...
use strict import Vue from vue import { Prop, Watch } from vue-property-decorator interface ITabs { name: string value: string } export default class extends Vue { @Prop({ type: Array, default() { re...
problem description I am the first time to use Vue+typescript to organize a project, and now I encounter a problem, that is, I mount the encapsulated axios to Vue.prototype, and there is no problem in using it, but TS will make an error? related cod...
students, I have a question to ask you. Our current project technology stack is ng6+ts,. The problem now is that there is a problem when using the ztree plug-in: ztree configuration ** * ztree * setting: any = { data:{ ...
ts-loader packages more slowly after using happypack the code is as follows const path = require( path ); const fs = require( fs ); const lessToJs = require( less-vars-to-js ); const ExtractTextPlugin = require( extract-text-webpack-plugin ); ...
D: reactnative MyProject>react-native run-android Scanning folders for symlinks in D: reactnative MyProject node_modules (44ms) JS server already running. Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat install De...
this icon may have hundreds of pieces of data, but if it can t be displayed on one screen, I want it to scroll horizontally to show the data that has not been displayed, which cannot be realized with css. Is there a boss in react-native, who knows t...
json data is as follows how to print out iamges pictures in posts in json using for loop or foreach someone wrote me a paragraph, but how to print it out in a loop $result = json_decode(json); $result $imageUrl = $result[ post ][0][ image...
questions you want to answer: Why can t the call method be called through apply ? Why is the second and third output -Infinity ? Why does the Reflect object provide only the apply method and not the call method? I don t know if my ...
question 1: there are dots if you realize the intersection of working hours and vertical axis question 2: some working hours will be divided into two periods if they cross dates (for example, 18:00 to 3 a.m. on the 12th is equivalent to 18:00-0:00 o...
I encountered a problem that PhpOffice PhpWord Writer HTML Element ListItemRun.php couldn t find when converting word files to html with phpword. What s going on? the code is as follows: $location = DOC_PATH . public ; $phpWord = PhpOffice...
use whistle to grab the bag of the phone, the phone is equipped with an agent, download the security certificate, there is still no content for the part of catching https, only status is displayed. The mobile phone displays because the security certif...