I now use the angularjs2 framework, typescript + File-Saver to download the table data on the screen and save it to excel function onDownload (data) { const blob = new Blob ([$( - sharptable ). Html ()], { type: application vnd.ms-excel; }); s...
1. Using angular for github tripartite login, because it is a route in hash mode, the code information returned by github on the callback page will be spelled in front of the-sharp number, resulting in being directly erased by the route. Is there any sol...
according to the documentation, Mobx, wants to get and call parameters in the form of inject in the sub-component, but there is a undefined problem? Timer.ts interface IProps { timerStore?: TimerStore; } interface State {} inject( timerStore ...
the Wechat official account code built by the Angularjs4+ionic2 project. The large size leads to slow loading of the home page. ...
export interface IconProps { type: string; className?: string; title?: string; onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<any>; spin?: boolean; style?: React.CSSProperties; } const Icon = (props: IconProps) => { const {type, className = ...
I encapsulated some components through ng and wanted to release these components into npm packages for use by other projects, but I encountered a lot of problems and found a lot of information on the Internet, but I had no choice but to update the versio...
I have now drawn a map using typescript + Angularjs2 + amcharts how can I invalidate click events in each area of the map are there any attributes that can be controlled? this.chart= this.AmCharts.makeChart ( chartdiv , {) type : map , ...
1. The original project uses dva,. When integrating typescript, refer to the official example given by dva . global.d.tsrequiretypescript: the following is the code involved in the error: tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { ...
how to define an Omit < SourceType, ExcludeProps extends keyof SourceType > generic type so that attribute with no key value in ExcludeProps in the result type there are attributes in the result type whose optional attribute is consistent with Sour...
< H1 > question < H1 > first describe the problem: the current project uses TypeScript, to configure tsconfig.json. Then use webpack + ts-loader to package. now I d like to ask what tsconfig.json and ts-loader do, and whether you need to add the ex...
views directory will be lost tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { * Basic Options * "target": "es2017", * Specify ECMAScript target version: ES3 (default), ES5 , ES201...
currently uses webpack in conjunction with typescript to develop a class library. but there is a problem. When referencing the method in the packaged js file of ts in the outer html, there will be a problem that this function does not exist. I looked at...
var re = quicks (brown). +? (jumps) ig; var result = re.exec ( The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog ); (regular expression document from MDN) quck is a match quick beginning s is a match white space character, (brown) is the first group...
function fun(a,b){ console.log(`${a},${b}`) } fun(123,456); 123a456b123456 is there a parameter passing method in js similar to fun (baked 456 ...
run ng build-- prod error ERROR in Cannot read property loadChildren of null ...
function dectest(target: any) { target.prototype.name = isfufeng } @dectest export default class Home extends React.Component<Props, State> { constructor(props: any) { super(props) } } first, I used this to add a name clas...
1. First of all, the business goes something like this. Now we need to write some function libraries for others to use, and the back end can send this script string to our front-end angular program through a http request. We parse these scripts and execu...
vue is written in TypeScript and implemented in jsx syntax, so it is a tsx template. Has anyone used it? vtsx Please click on the github link to learn more. but because jsx does not support almost all of vue s built-in instructions, so would like...
it is not clear why the simple Symbol cannot be used. The tsconfig.json configuration is as follows: tsconfig.json is as follows { "compilerOptions": { "noImplicitAny": true, "target": "es5&qu...
vue methods cannot get data value export default { name: "sysAdd", data() { return { form: { name: , region: , date1: , ...
I use the $( - sharprrepairOrderGrid ). DataGrid) method to display data, and my column is a button {header: xxx , name: repairWorkshopUser , index: repairWorkshopUser , width:150, align:"center",formatter:function (val, obj, row, ac...
needs to run a php5 3 program on the Ubuntu server, but it is already equipped with php7.1. Do not want to install 5.x environment, afraid of problems, want to run in docker. Should it be all right to ask? I m not familiar with docker. Only know the bas...
the route looks like this on the first click http: localhost:8080 apple red detail 3 when I click multiple times on the redirected page, routes accumulate at the end, http: localhost:8080 apple red detail 3 Why is this? < router-link: to= "{pat...
vue project, rich text is only an item in the form, so there is no need to automatically focus on rich text. If you set it to focus on the first item of the form, there is a problem that the echo of rich text will "grab " the focus back ....
the following code: this.$router.addRoutes([ { path: temp , name: Temp , component: () => import( @ pages temp Temp ) } ]) After has been successfully added, how can I detect the existence of Temp in the Router instance...