for example, in the nodejs environment, there is a global variable global, which I defined directly when I didn t use typescript before. for example, redis instances and database instances are all defined as global instances. When it comes to typescrip...
when you run the angular project for the first time every day, you use the AngularCli command, ng serve-- open to start the project, but the first time every day is always unsuccessful. The error shows that Cannot GET , opens the angular-routing.ts file,...
vuex uses module, and then wants to use store.state.a to report type errors in the TS file store index.ts ... Vue.use(Vuex); const store: StoreOptions<RootState> = { modules: { a } }; export default new Vuex.Store<Root...
Vue DevtoolsHelloWorld HelloWorld is there a kind-hearted person who can help with this? ...
for example, suppose there is such a structure ******************110****************** unshift (): 0.384ms concat (): 0.125ms reverse->push->reverse (): 0.170ms ******************0****************** ******************2100****************** unsh...
interface Listeners { [propName: symbol]: Listener[]; }; the above code prompts [ts] Index signature parameter must be of type "string " or "number ". [1023] how to express that the key value of an object is of type symbol ...
problem description Antd FormItemLabel the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried ...
< H2 > ionic enters the pit using native message push function < H2 > TypeError: Object(...) is not a function at LocalNotifications.schedule (index.js:49) at new SchedulePage (schedule.ts:39) at createClass (core.js:12491) at createDir...
1. I am using typescript development, I installed a npm library, it comes with the type declaration file d.ts, but because the author did not update the maintenance in time, the class of this declaration file lacks a method declaration. question: how c...
How do I set the default value of a parameter when a function in TypeScript describes a parameter through Interface? interface Opts { method: string; header: object; body: object; } function request(url: string, opts: Opts) { opts.methodopt...
as shown in the picture, I want to achieve a font selection effect, and the font data is obtained from the background. I used ngFor loop display, but I need to use ng-selected to select fonts. I don t know how to use ngFor to combine ng-selected. Th...
The scenario is like this. I designed an im chat app where vuex is used to manage data between pages. The data structure is like [{id,name,msg []}, {id,name,msg []}]. The data I use in the friend list page is id,name, and then click on a friend to enter ...
problem description how does webpack deal with the picture in the style tag in the vue single file component, because the style is extracted, and it is found that the picture is not packaged at all. The original output is in the dist directory. After ...
problem description want Amap s js api to get the latitude and longitude of the four corners of the current visual area the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried at present, we have not found this method. We can...
the following parameters are passed in: [{] "id": "02c76c921d5011e987c600163e0e2174", "code": "02c76c921d5011e987c600163e0e2174", "fullTitle": "test,test-t", "parentId": "e8bbcf...
The code has more than 3, 000 lines, and many if else are careful and error-prone every time they make a version judgment. Are there any optimization ideas and methods? The code cannot be copied and the smart photo is taken . ...
Version: 3.2.2 I have a person.js file and test.ts file, create a student class and person object in the js file, set student s prototype to person, and then export an instance of student. then accesses the instance of student in the test file,...
my idea is to subscribe to an array of elements of a numeric type, so will the business logic in the subscription be executed whenever I give the new element of push in this array? Look at the picture: The result of the test is that the new push el...
Baidu found a lot, all need to download controls to install, if you need to download controls to open, then there is no point. ...
problem description React does not recognize the htmlType prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase htmltype instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component...
is analog signal transmission or digital signal transmission used in frequency division multiplexing in the following figure? why is so little bandwidth used? I read in a book that the digital signal transmits voice at 8 bits and takes 8000 samples per ...
the problem is this: when you use v-for to render a group of data, the backend will return a timestamp field to me. I need to time-stamp the page and start the countdown. Now the data can be printed on the console, but the page does not have Synchronize...
Vue-cli project, need to encapsulate keyword prompt map component, this effect, however, after the component is introduced, only the map is displayed, and the input box search has no effect mounted(){ this.$nextTick(() => { va...
let obj = { time: 2017-7-20 , name: set , _r: 123 }; let daili = new Proxy (obj, { has(target,key){ if (key=== name ){ return target[key]; ...