users = [] data = {} for r in results: user = {} -sharp user[ select_id ] = r[0] -sharp user[ media_id ] = r[1] -sharp user[ user_id ] = r[2] -sh...
companies now use rich text, but pictures display code on App; what method should be used? ...
because every chart is the same, you want to use v-for to loop the echart chart Code of the loop <el-col :span="6" v-for="(item,index) of items" :key=""> <div class="body"> <d...
<template> <el-main> <h1>< h1> ** ** <ul> <li v-for= news in newsList ><router-link :to=" schoolnotice +news.newsID">{{news.title}}< router-link&g...
problem description I need to make a return dataset, which is an object array awardList, in which each object has className property and stuInfo property, stuInfo property is an object array, and then the object properties in it are name and awardInfo...