go communicates with php as a server. The server code is as follows: s.go package main import ( "hello world" "fmt" "git.apache.org thrift.git lib go thrift" ) const ( NetworkAddr = "
get the data of multiple conn, operations on the same table in a database. Will one conn.commit, affect other conn data operations? ...
data structure, graph, single linked list storage problem. ...
for example, I now have a variable date= 2018 , and I want to use subprocess to execute the following linux command, such as touch date.txt, that is touch 2018.txt. How can this be implemented? ...
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel) selectionKey.channel()...