xhtml: < view hidden= "{{currentTabeTables0}} " > < view wx:for= {{logs} > <view>{{logs.pcontent}}< view> <view> <!-- <image wx:for= {{logs.ppic}} wx:for-index="index" wx:for-item= picPath src= {{picPath....
this is the data returned by PHP. Two array objects my front end code: <view hidden="{{currentTab!==0}}"> <view wx:for= {{logs}} > {{item.pdate}} {{item.pweek}} {{item.pweather}} {{item.pcontent}} <...
as shown in the figure above, how to use wx:if, in wx:for to dynamically modify the value of item.isCollected in wx:if. look for an answer. ...
I need to call Wechat sharing function in product details, but it is correct when I take only one parameter, but it fails when I have more than one parameter. ...
The component of navigator has a limit on the number of jumps. I now have a project tabbar to write by myself, so it is inevitable to add navigator jump to it, but if there are too many pages to jump, there will be a jump limit. ...
now there are generally only two ways to add Wechat: scan the QR code and find Wechat s account But there are individual wap sites through an icon on the page, click on this icon link can directly jump to the designated Wechat s concern page, very con...
RT, such as Safari, click on a Wechat link, and then specify to open Wechat and open with Wechat browser in Wechat....
problem description I introduced in app.vue that the names of root declaration subcomponents are all in a format similar to aaaVue Why should I use aaa-vue when using the template node of app.vue? <template> <div> <header-vue v-...
SELECT COUNT (*) AS num FROM test WHERE ( a = 111AND cid = 21432 OR s_status < > yes OR t_status < > yes ) AND test . delete_time IS NULL LIMIT 1 explain the statement type is displayed as ALL. How to optimize it? ...
D:wamp64binapacheapache2.4.23bin I followed the steps in a video tutorial to modify the php.ini file in the above path. The following is the modified place upload_max_filesize = 2048m maximum limit for uploading files post_max_size = 2048m maximum da...
{ "type ": 3, "errorcode ": 0, "message ": "View Index " or its master view not found, or there is no location where the view engine supports search. Search the following locations: rn~ Areas SystemManage Views SystemHome Index.aspx rn~ Areas Syste...
this sentence : the activeName of class= "{active: activeName = = gameName} " is a variable defined in data. The question I want to ask is why not add if judgment but compare the two variables directly activeName = = gameName ? What kind of usage is ...