there is a problem in my work. Two arrays of infinite length, A & M B, have a similar structure as follows: { a:2, b:3, c:4, d:5 ... } { b:1, c:5, e:3, ... } needs to combine the data of the top 10 with the largest ...
there is duplicate data in a set of data, such as 11223456, how to generate a set of discontiguous permutations, such as 12123456 ...
write an hash algorithm that calculates the hash of the string "ABC123 " and the string "123ABC " (similar symmetric characters) so that their Hash is the same and ensures that the hash is unique ...
suppose String S1 = "19238248931244327089 "; S2 = "43109431029897431 "; the value of the number required to obtain s1+s2 cannot be added using the class library. ...
topic description algorithm description: traverses the sublists in the list Users (in user1, user2 order) and matches the sublists in CSPs (using the fitfun function). After matching, delete the elements that match successfully in Users and CSPs, ...
although the use of recursive algorithm is programmatically readable, it has many problems: as the computing scale increases, it may cause the call stack to overflow each function call has time and space overhead. The performance is not very good ...
topic description for example, the first group is: A B C D E and the second group is: 1 2 3 4 the numbers of the two groups are not necessarily symmetrical, and the number of the first group may be more or less than that of the second group. An exam...
thanks ...
there is a CAPTCHA data table with 2 million pieces of data. CAPTCHA fields need to be unique you need to insert a large amount of data into this table, about tens of thousands of pieces of data at a time how to optimize the execution time of each ...
for example, I have a set of data [ { time : 2018-03-01 , data : 1, }, { time : 2018-02-02 , data : 2, }, { time : 2018-01-01 , data : 3, }, { time : 2017-12-01 , data : ...
let arrs=[102,233,45,350,130,220,195,240] I want arrs to split into two groups, but I want the sum of the two groups to be as close as possible. The smaller the difference, the better. My own idea is to re-sort, from small to large, and then judge the s...
when reading Magnus Lie Hetland s python algorithm tutorial, there are some questions. Chapter 2 after-class exercise 2-2 Let s make an assumption (which may be a little impractical): if we allow uninitialization when allocating memory (that is, thi...
learned that "conditional pattern base " in FP-growth algorithm refers to the set of prefix paths of a node, but it is puzzling why the name "conditional pattern base " is chosen. What does "conditional model base " mean? ...
users who have used steam should be familiar with this problem. Steam tokens are equivalent to secondary authentication. When you log in to an unfamiliar device or make a transaction, you need to enter the verification code in the token for secondary ve...
for ai robots that want to play two dozen games based on their hobbies, first solve the first picture recognition. Most of the pictures are motionless or do not change much. For example, most of the tanks in the red alert are always, except for the dire...
given a non-empty array of integers, each element appears twice except for an element that appears only once. Find the element that only appears once. example 1: : [2,2,1] : 1 example 2: : [4,1,2,1,2] : 4 the answer with the highest running effici...
has a select drop-down box with five option elements with value values from 1 to 5 <select> <option value="1">1< option> <option value="2">2< option> <option value="3">3< ...
what is the meaning of the "training algorithm " in the figure below? For example, the KNN algorithm mentioned below is not a function, something determined by routines? Why train? ...
Shougang Sifang Finance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Langkun Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Chifeng Xiaomago Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Chifeng Mango Co., Ltd. Manhechuang Network Co., Ltd. Chifeng Jinshawan Tourism Chengdu Yuanjing Microelectro...
0 means off 1 means on. Just look at the turn-off of one of the lights. Which lamp can tell that the number is displayed from 0 to 9? ABCDEFG 0Vera 1111110 1RV 0110000 2RV 1101101 3RV 1111001 4RV 0110011 5RV 1011011 6RV 10111111 7Rd 1110000 ...
the developer tools under chrome have performance functions, as well as IE11. Recently to do a 2B project, there is a requirement for IE8 compatibility, but the performance is not up to standard, and there is no useful analysis tool. Do not know if ther...
<li class="col25" @click="this.$router.push({name: RentList })"><img width="32px" height="32px" src=".. assets images home1.png" ><span style="display:block;">< span>&l...
I want to use ListView with TabBar. the demo, on the official website shows that ListView cannot be loaded. after testing, it is found that it should be caused by the outermost , and the outermost is for tabbar to be placed at the front end of b...
What s the difference between opening the H5 page in a chrome browser and opening it in Wechat s browser? when you open an ordinary H5 page in Wechat s browser, will the js code in the page run? ...
how do I put multiple objects in an empty array? It doesn t seem to work with push? Ask for advice ...