I have studied java, and done several projects, but the foundation is poor, I can only sort simply, I have not systematically learned computer knowledge, and I have data structures and algorithms. Can I do letcode and learn at the same time? ...
demand: an array Each element of the array is a string The string may be empty, that is, " " sort the array with special characters first and strings of length 0 first, that is, the example in requirement 3, followed by underscores. Other sp...
public TreeNode buildTree(int[] preorder, int[] inorder) { if (preorder == null || inorder == null) { return null; } HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < inord...
A red-black tree can be equivalent to a fourth-order B-tree, and all kinds of operations of the fourth-order B-tree can be completed in log (n) time, so what is the meaning of the red-black tree? Or is there such an essential difference between them that...
imagine such a scenario. If all the elements in the heap are the same, then every time the heap is adjusted, there is no need to adjust the heap after the exchange of the top element and the tail element, and then the n elements will do so. Isn t this s...
suppose I have an integer x , and I want to judge whether the integer is in the interval [1, limit] . In Haskell, I can think of two schemes: x > = 1 and x < = limit elem x [1..limit] I used the Profiling, code of GCI as follows: I w...
encounters an algorithm; similar to var a = [1 br > how to deal with it into a two-digit array [[1], [2], [4Power4], [5Power5]] < beacon > I wrote it myself: uh. how to deal with it into a two-digit array [[1], [2], [4parry 4], [5pjre 5]]. Loop twice, n...
recently, I have been trying to develop my own wheels with native js. The first project is paging, but because I am not familiar with the encapsulation mode of native js plug-ins, I would like to ask you to see if my writing rules are not standard? There...
the interviewer asked you a very large English text to count the word frequency, what algorithm should be used and how to answer it? ...
beginner to learn the algorithm, do not quite understand the concept of this block, such as a function function fn(){ for(i = 0; i < n; iPP){} } if this is the case, how to calculate the time complexity? is it O (nlogn+n), or can it no...
-sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<math.h> void solve(int r) { for(int a =2*r;a <80; a PP) { for(int b = a;b < 900; bPP) { int c=a*a+b*b; if( fabs( sqrt(c) - (int) sqrt(c) ) < 1e-8)...
I thought it would be wrong to cut its code because the site information was introduced into the algorithm, but now I directly use its website to run the function, and the signature still can t open the list and ask the old driver for advice. PS: craw...
given that the elements in an array $arr, array are 0 to NMagi N < = $NMMI 1, find out whether there are any duplicate elements. The time complexity is O (n), and the space complexity is O (1) ....
such as sorting algorithm. Bubbling is stable and choice is unstable. what exactly is the standard to measure whether it is stable or not ...
topic: ss for example: enter google, to find that the longest symmetrical string is goog enter abcda to find that the longest symmetric string is aba. if there is more than one longest symmetric string, multiple longest symmetric strings o...
find out how many zeros there are between 1 and 1 million ...
requires the number of generators to meet ^ [Amurz] {2} d {3} $ each generation is not repeated for example, 1000 are generated, 1000 are not repeated there is no need to remove duplicates such as arrays, it seems that the algorithm can directly gu...
the set of collections I now get through the mongoose query looks like this: [{ _id: "123456", sex: 0 },{ _id: "222222", sex: 1 },{ _id: "111111", sex: 1 },{ _id: "333333", sex: 0 ...
Let the bullets be fired according to the direction of the mouse click, just like those who are good at fishing ...
for example, if you want to move from 0 to 100 1px at this speed, you can move x coordinates + 1 per frame. What if you want to move obliquely from 0 ~ 0 to 100 ~ ~ 20 at this speed? ...
this is the interface document, and the function is to export excel table my code: this.$axios.get( student studentDataExport ,{ params:{ schoolUid:this.common.getLocal( roleId ), schoolGradeUid:this.value_grade, c...
> Configure project :app Configuration compile in project :app is deprecated. Use implementation instead. > Configure project :react-native-device-info Configuration compile in project :react-native-device-info is deprecated...
only icons are displayed on the packaged server, and no other pictures larger than 10KB are displayed! If you add a limit value of 0 (less than 100KB can be displayed). Is there any other way? { test: .(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)( ?.*)?$ , loader:...
1. When a project encounters query time, it is placed in url, but after url decoding once, the first page of data is displayed correctly, and the second page is displayed correctly. 2 , url url it is wrong to convert url decoding of the second pa...
how do I ensure that the order of css definitions for Vue.js development and release is the same? when I was developing a Vue.js project, during development and after release, I found that the css style was inconsistent: excuse me, what s going...