as shown in the picture, click on the cell to display the select control and select the field type. Click outside the cell, and the cell returns to its original appearance ...
problem description in the process of developing with react, write components with ES6 syntax as follows const Name = (props) => { this.state = { data: null, visible: false }; const open = (data) => { th...
<Table rowSelection={rowSelection} columns={columns} dataSource={dataSource} pagination={paginationProps} loading={loadingTable} expandedRowKeys={[ 58 ]} > I don t know why expandedRowKeys= {[ 58 ]} cannot be exp...
as the title, as shown in the figure: ...
RT version: 2.13.11 I have a login dialog box, tab switch password login while verification code login finally export a form field: Form.create () (AppComp) so both sides must not pass, so I want to update the configuration of getFieldDecorator ...
could you tell me how to do the anti-shake function of the input box in antd? this is a test code I wrote import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import "antd dist antd.css"; import ". index.css&...
there are many APIs in model that can only be called after login. It is normal for code to return 2000.When returns 20020, the session expires. At this time, I want to jump back to the login page. This is how I handled it . *fetchShopSaleList({ pay...
as described in the picture, how to implement the table list, click the current line (row), to select the previous check box? in fact, I would like to know, in antd, such as my above requirements, how to trigger the click event of checkbox when writin...
1. I am now using the dva framework to send a post request. The background springmvc cannot receive the parameter send the request export async function doApprove(params) {; return request(` portal api process saveSp.jhtml?$...
our project uses antd 3.6 +. Without network access, there will be one request, http: web. I checked the user experience program that is said to be antd. Could you tell me how to close this user experience program? because we use b...
the initial state of an asynchronously loaded tree component is as follows: treeData: +: : : : the problem is: child is not preceded by a + sign (cannot be clicked), but the status isLeaf is set to false Expand to load is expanded, hoping...
I tried to call option.onProgress the progress bar still didn t respond ...
when I use nz-table, because it is used in the ngx modal box of the pop-up bootstrap, when using paging support, the drop-down page number selection menu is displayed in the lower part of the modal box, and cannot be used when it is displayed by the moda...
problem description when RT: recently used antd, there is a table on the page. The following is the paging that comes with it. When a button is clicked, the data of the form is updated, but the paging button does not return to the first page and remai...
I use antd+dva to do a background project. I use the rich text editor react-draft-wysiwyg, but the fonts available by default are all English fonts. How to add commonly used Chinese fonts? trying to write fontFamily like this in a component has no ef...
import React from react ; class Demo extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props) this.state{ initData: } } render(){ return( <div>{ this.state.initData }<div> ) } } function...
because of the project, the upload component is uploaded by manually triggering the click method of button. No problem is found on the pc, but there is no response when it is placed on the mobile end. Does anyone know why? ...
7.5 update: the reason for the problem is that the tag case is wrong Menu.item can be changed to Menu.Item, error rendering of level 3 menu. error message is as follows: warning.js:33 Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a s...
<Form.Item label={fieldLabels.createTime}> <RangePicker ref="myTextInput" showTime={{format...
models order.js is the model file of the component configure loading in index.js import createLoading from dva-loading app.use(createLoading({ globale: false, models: { order: false } })) the problem is that there may be mu...
is the one I download the picture through a link, but want to get the largest picture, what to do? http: wp-c. http: wp-c. how to compare the size of the two downloaded pictures ...
in addition to using WeChat Pay provided by js-sdk, can I use Alipay or bank card to pay? how can I introduce it? ...
how does php-fpm restart smoothly? ...
use Pandas to analyze an excel data, which contains the excel date field date , stored values such as 2018-12-31 , and use pd.read_excel to read all excel data. Since the values in the table are entered artificially, in order to avoid potential readi...
now I use an interface written by angularjs. I use the angularjs method to set withCredentials to true. In the search method, it is said that if you set it to true,cookie, you can put it in the request header and pass it to the background, but it has no...