Log in successfully but will not jump to the main page. If you change it to ant design pro s own service, you can jump back to the main page. you can go to the judgment of login success, but it won t jump. How do you fix this ? ...
the Modal behind obscures the front Modal ...
our project uses antd 3.6 +. Without network access, there will be one request, http: keycart.alipay.com web. I checked the user experience program that is said to be antd. Could you tell me how to close this user experience program? because we use b...
the initial state of an asynchronously loaded tree component is as follows: treeData: +: : : : the problem is: child is not preceded by a + sign (cannot be clicked), but the status isLeaf is set to false Expand to load is expanded, hoping...
ant design pro dynamic routing for user rights control, but the route cannot jump to the specified page. each re-login will cache the last requested route list, and the redirect address is also incorrect. re-log in and take the route of the last lo...
when I use nz-table, because it is used in the ngx modal box of the pop-up bootstrap, when using paging support, the drop-down page number selection menu is displayed in the lower part of the modal box, and cannot be used when it is displayed by the moda...
problem description the front end uses the upload component of ant to upload images, the back end uses the service built by koa2 framework, and the front end uses nigix reverse proxy port 8000 to port 3001. Other get,post requests are normal. the ...
problem description when RT: recently used antd, there is a table on the page. The following is the paging that comes with it. When a button is clicked, the data of the form is updated, but the paging button does not return to the first page and remai...
figure: it is a form form, enter data at the top and click add, how to insert the data into the table below, and display it. Page Code: : <Tooltip title=""> <a onClick={this.showEditForm.bind(this,text)}><Icon type=&qu...
* fetch ({payload}, {call, put}) { const response = yield call(querySignal, payload); console.log("res", response.data[0].signal) for (let i=0; i<response.data.length; iPP) { for (let j=0; j<response.d...
as shown in the figure, in the process of using select, there is a situation where the offset of the matching drop-down option cannot be close to the input box, and the reason has not been found. Orz, has a little impact on the experience . ...
7.5 update: the reason for the problem is that the tag case is wrong Menu.item can be changed to Menu.Item, error rendering of level 3 menu. error message is as follows: warning.js:33 Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a s...
after the project I did with the ant design pro framework was packaged and deployed to the test environment, the page reported an error of 404 and took the interface of mock. mock.webpackrc .roadhogrc.mock.js but still follow the interface of mock ...
use the form component of antd, the form element limit is required, and the form has the function of uploading attachments. I call an interface with ajax and assemble data including attachments with FormData. At this time, you need to set the parameter ...
Click modify in the table, and there is a form in a modal, in the pop-up window. Now there is a problem when you click to modify the value. parent table state handleEdit = (record: IRoleData) => { console.log(record) this.se...
Does the delayed loading of antd have to be implemented with Promise the following is the official demo https: codesandbox.io s rr78lq91yq import { Modal, Button } from antd ; const confirm = Modal.confirm; function showConfirm() { confirm(...
is refactoring a project with ant design pro. Some of the requirements are as follows: : , , , , (), (), ,PS: , 5, , : now the data structure returned by the backend is level 1: [{name: daily cleaning , level: 1, id: rihuaqingjie },.] level ...
A bunch of errors were reported when the project done with the ant design pro framework was completed and packaged ...
I have been developing with ant-design recently, but I have a problem when using teg.CheckableTag . I can t find any reason . this is my parent component MyCheckableTag addCustomLabelS = (e) => { this.props.dispatch({type: CHECKABLETA...
how do I use js to get local files and upload them? users cannot choose to upload files. As soon as they enter this page, the upload function will be triggered. Can this be achieved? ...
I want to add a mapDispatchToPropsReview, to this component, but I can t get it in props . main file import React from react ; import Review from . components Review ; import . assets styles index.less ; import rootReducer from .. .. .. ...
I m doing a background tab to switch between different options, add different panels, and then add different vue components to the panel the basic style is as follows, no problem at this time wangeditorwrite_article.vuevuemount...
<el-tabs v-model="activeName2" type="card" @tab-click="handleClick"> <el-tab-pane label="" name="first">< el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label="" name="second"&...
in my project, I will use the advanced usage of es5 such as String.prototype.includes and Promise. I need to polyfill, these API, but the polyfill resources on the Internet are very large and complete. I just want to generate polyfill.js files according ...