how to center the numbers in the picture as a whole, but each number is aligned to the right, that is, the percent sign ...
ant design pro framework does a click-edit function to generate a pop-up box, how to assign an initial value to an input when using form.getFieldDecorator writing initialvalue doesn t work. How to fix this? ...
I have 10 pieces of data, which is too crowded to display in one line. I want to display it in two lines, five in one line. 2table ...
tree select component search for questions. import React from react ; import {TreeSelect} from antd ; const treeData = [{] label: Node1 , value: 0-0 , key: 0-0 , children: [{ label: Child Node1 , value: 0-0-1 , key:...
when antd tree sets defaultExpandAll to true, it expands by default the first time it is initialized. When the tree is collapsed, the window is closed and the window is opened again, the tree remains collapsed. Then I use expandedKeys to control the nod...
as shown in the figure: when each record is clicked to edit, the form displays the corresponding record value. My practice is to click to edit the record to obtain the record and store it in state.formData. How to pass state.formData as a props paramete...
after a successful login, dispatch sends a request in componentDidMount. At first, the request is successful, but after a while, the request automatically fails, reporting an error of 401, but it is good to log in again. ...
import React from react ; import {Link} from dva router import {Menu, Icon, Avatar, Layout, Breadcrumb, Button, notification, Select, Pagination, Checkbox, Input} from antd ; import logo from . css App.css ; import ayjs from . css a...
how to modify the top of the Antd Transfer shuttle box like this ...
in the modification function, get record and put it in form when you click on a record, and then click OK after modification. I want to get the value of each Input through this.refs.refName.value, but I find that as long as I add refs to the Input compo...
I disabled mock .webpackrcproxy using the ant design pro framework. I set up a proxy but it doesn t work well, and I can t request the interface in the background all the time ...
Screenshot is as follows TimePicker TimePickerid do you have any opinions? ...
.roomhogrc.mock.js is configured as follows: const noProxy = (process.env.NO_PROXY === true ); GET api currentUser : { $desc: "", $params: { pageSize: { desc: , exp: 2, }, }, $body: { name: Serati Ma , avatar: ...
IE8 uses antd design to introduce tree components to report "unable to get property treeNode that is not defined or referenced by null " ...
use the original table component to encapsulate an extra layer of TableC, in the render method of the columns property to render switch, circularly. No matter how you modify the data view, it will not be updated, including using mobx, to ask how to solv...
step 1, in parent component: constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { checkState: checked , enable:true } } this.setState({ checkState: unChecked , enable:false }) step 2: before calling the subcompon...
I see tabs like this in ant design pro, and each tag is a div , but I don t see this type of tag in the official document. How should I implement this? ...
1. Problem: when using antd s Modal.confirm, put an Input, to update the txNote property in state. But as long as there is a confirm, all you get is the previous state, instead of the updated state 2 entered in the confirm. Screenshot: 3. From...
how does ant design pro introduce the js plug-in webpack configuration not found in ant design pro ...
recently, to do the background image at the back of the login page, you need to use the plug-in of jquery particle system. There are jq packages and js native in it. If you use ant design pro, how to configure without webpack! Ask all the gods to do me a...
introduce iview files into mpvue projects Wechat development tools report errors in code format when compiling or uploading do not report errors only when es6 to es5 is checked ...
requirements: use Github V3 version of API to get the number of items of a user s star. and user s api does not provide the number of star separately, but provides such an interface " starred_url ": " https: users tj starred{ ow...
1. The project is an old OC project. In the bridge swift Setting configuration, Defines Module is changed to yes,product Name as the project name, the bridge file is automatically generated by the system and the path is correct 3. Create an ex...
I want to match $${}$$ Content in str is complicated. As follows, I want to find out the contents of all the double $$curly braces and put them into an array. What should I do? [{"field_id":"DM0002","field":"$${ge...
recently, I have been watching thymeleaf, to write some demo,. Today, I refer to Chestnut on the Internet to write a page to play . Here is my redundant code . <a th:href="@{ allExchInfo(start=${page.number}+1,size=${page.size})}" class=&q...