The structure of the data is like this, and you need to use this to generate a form like this { name: , groups: [ { groupName: , state: 1, 1 0 isOpen: 1, 1 0 ...
use list as the option data source for Select, but use callback, which cannot be rendered. Just call it directly, as shown in the figure below. The first method is fine, and the second is not. Because there are many Select, on a page, you need to use th...
official example of full copy: this is the official sample code: import { Select } from antd ; const Option = Select.Option; function handleChange(value) { console.log(`selected ${value}`); } ReactDOM.render( <div> <Select defaul...
tried all three methods: ...
use the Table component of Antd Design, first check out the data, and then select a CheckBox, but when you change pages, that CheckBox will not disappear. For example, when I select the first line on the first page, and then skip to the second page, the ...
setting in state: this.state = {checkList: []}; checkList initializes it with an array of the same length as JsonPage: this.setState ({checkList:checkSaveCount}); checkSavaCount is the same length as the following JsonPage. the following creates...
require ( videojs-contrib-hls dist videojs-contrib-hls ); ...
problem description implement a highlight function in the react project. When you click on the DOM, how to remove the className? of the sibling elements the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried [environment]: th...
recently I started to learn python, but I don t quite understand about args the code in the textbook is used to find out the intersection, and the process is somewhat incomprehensible . def intersect(*a): res = [] for x in a[0]: print...
vuejs jumps from the second-level route to the first-level route, how to make the menu corresponding to the first-level route light up such as the current route path now it s easy to jump back to the mission hall, but how to light up the menu in t...
problem description my scene is that several circles are dragged around a big circle, and all the circles of any circle are scrolled 360 degrees uniformly. The following code calculates the angle of the small circle, but I drag the event to trigger th...