the Menu component is placed in the layout page, and then includes other pages components through the configuration route of umi. can now jump and highlight the background by clicking on any Item of Menu directly on the page. but if there is a Link l...
for example: parent component A contains a checkbox,. Now you need to click checkbox to save the selected state (true false) to the variable checkFlg and pass it to child component B. Code is as follows: parent component A checkInfo = (e)=>{ che...
use frames umi+dva+antd question after sending a action using server sorting. The order order of the first sort is descend , and then it has been descend no matter how much you click to switch . troubleshooting process looked at the sour...
I have a Form.Item child node whose value is written through js, so the onFieldsChange method does not trigger the way I can think of is to use setFieldsValue to modify the value, is there any other way? ...
as detailed in the title: react project, which refers to the antd UI library, uses form s validateField check field to submit the form if it is required, but there is a select form, set labelInValue, so that validateField cannot verify that this...
as detailed in the title: react project, which refers to the antd UI library, uses form s validateField check field to submit the form if it is required, but there is a select form, set labelInValue, so that validateField cannot verify that this...
RT static defaultProps = { fields: 123, } Form.create({ mapPropsToFields(props) { console.log(props) {} }, })(Comp) ...
as detailed in the title: develop PC-side projects with react, using the antd UI library, but when using form forms, there is a problem with verification required-- only partial validation. as shown in the figure: : 5formantdformreact-devtools...
for example, I want to filter based on the title attribute, or the custom attribute ...
when you enter the value of key in the input box to search, it is clear that the data is found, but it is not displayed, it is automatically displayed on the check box, I do not know what the reason is, solve <Transfer dataSource={mockData} moc...
Can the DatePicker time selector component in antd select only the year? ...
can you specify a ratio such as 5:3 and 7:4 for uploading pictures ...
problem description look at the official documentation and directly set defaultValue= {[ a10 , c12 ]} to Select < br > but I can t get the correct effect after combining form s initialValue . The contents of the initialValue are displayed,...
uses the Tabs component of Ant Design. How do I append a new parent tab through the child button event in the existing tab? ...
this is the code seen in the Button component. ...
insert the src in the image tag as described in the question, hoping to get the field in the database { title: formatMessage({id: from.feedBack.tanleList.Report_image1_data }), dataIndex: Report_image1_date , ...
antd treeSelect tree selector treeData uses a form similar to treeData: [{ "id ": 1, "pId ": 0, "title ": "Enterprise identity ", "value ": "1 ", "key ": 1}] this form also sets treeDataSimpleMode to true, in the TreeSelect tag but does not disp...
topic description antdesign does not show after using Form.create s onvaluesChange and mapPropsToFields sets. sources of topics and their own ideas because of the linkage, I used onvaluesChange and mapPropsToFields, but found that all the check ...
problem description because < Icon > I render uniformly, and then modify the state uniformly through state . As a result, all Icon will change as soon as the state changes. But I want to change only the one I clicked on. The demand is strange. I ...
problem description what to do if ant-design datePicker sets the default value to empty the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the following conditions will occur at present related codes Please pas...
< ul class= "pd10 " style= "border-right: 1px solid-sharpddd; " > <li> <span>:< span>{{li.carNo}}< li> <li> <span>:< span>{{li.reason}}< li> <li v-if="li.fromOrganId == li.serviceOrganId ...
when using picker, the animation disappears without showing off. confirm, cancel, and click the mask are all animations that do not disappear <Picker visible={this.state.sexVisible} data={[ { value: 1, la...
problem description Mengxin just started using vue-amap and encountered some problems: 1. Map status is not punctual 2. I want to use the map properties of the Gaud open platform- "how to use the hot spot of the map in vue-amap " the environmental...
after launching the antd-pro project address, it can be used right out of the box. But there are a lot of layouts have been written, it is difficult to change, change a place in many places have been reported wrong. for example, if I want to remove...
problem description: www. * .com jdk member login index.php set pseudo-static jump to login-member-index.html contact with this jump rule for the first time. I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you . original pseudo static rule. You can a...