problem description I m developing a single-page application using the dva,antdesign and react-intl frameworks, and internationalizing using react-intl. I wrap all the components in the outermost index.js with < IntlProvider > so that all subcomponen...
for example, the following three TabPane tags, I want to change the color of the Tabs tag, how to change it? I read it seems that this plug-in did not change the attribute of the tag style, is it difficult to change its style directly in its underlying ...
antd and antd-mobile are both loaded on demand: webpack before configuration plugins: [ transform-runtime , [ import , { "libraryName": "antd-mobile", "style": true }]] ...
the form mapped by ant design2.11 using form.create s mapPropsToFields cannot display validate information; the form mapped by ant design2.11 using form.create s mapPropsToFields cannot display validate information can trigger validate;, but messa...
1. Use antd in react to create a table with editable row elements, as written in the official document: import { Table, Input, InputNumber, Popconfirm, Form } from antd ; const data = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; iPP) { data.push({ key: i...
problem description how to modify the drop-down date control style of DatePicker in the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried : global cannot be used because this drop-down date style cannot be selected...
I see the api, of headstyle, but I haven t found any specific properties, so I don t know how to set it yet. Ask for advice....
see that there are onHeaderCell and onHeaderRow, in api, but they don t know how to use them. Ask God for advice ...
it is found that the first switch of the tab will render the interface request data, and the second switch will automatically cache the interface without requesting the interface. If I want to request the interface every time I switch, what should I do ...
The project uses an older 0.3.1 version of ant design pro, and roadhog is 1.3.1. The project wants to use align and production environment sourcemap, so it upgrades roadhog to 2.0 according to the official upgrade tutorial. there is no problem runni...
initialization is all checked by default, and it is found that the top-level check is not on . https: pen ?editors=0010 the following is the official demo code of antd const { Checkbox } = antd; const CheckboxGroup = Checkbox.Group; const ...
you can now add data to the database in the format of 1-1-1. the cascade real data can be displayed normally when editing : 1-1-1: . ...
scene: for example, to add a function to a product, the added UI is shown in the following figure: Form : 1.onChangeonChangethis: 2.1antd ...
1. The button 2 is displayed repeatedly. Only fixed columns should be displayed ...
how should the Table component of antd put the walking lantern Carousel component Today, when I placed pictures in Table, I found that there was more than one picture data given to me by the background, so I planned to use the walking lantern Carousel...
problem description pageSizeOptions the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried AntDesign version 3.8.0 ...
import { Button } from antd ; import ReactDOM from react-dom ; import React from react ; import antd dist antd.css ; ReactDOM.render( <div> <Button type="primary">Primary< Button> <Button>...
for example, after I click on one of the numbers under "nearly 5-day increase (%) " in the following figure, I want to take all the data under "nearly 5-day increase (%) ". For example, [- 0.15 grin 0.37 Lindsay 0.77%] similarly, if you click on any ...
how do I select only the year in the time component of antd? because there is a DatePicker,MonthPicker, in the component api, but no YearPicker, is written to report an error, and there is no error in looking for it for a long time. you can use format...
The custom rendering content of the name column in the Table table. Sorter is set to true sortable, dataIndex is empty; after clicking to sort, this column cannot be sorted, and there are no parameters. { title: name , dataIndex: , sorter: true...
recently, Mini Program is working on a project on article data analysis. At this stage, the article is displayed in Mini Program by climbing the official account of Wechat. The article content parsing plug-in used by Mini Program is wxParse, but when it...
error message: Fri Mar 23 2018 17:18:15 GMT+0800 (China Standard time) render layer error < navigator > should have url attribute when using navigateTo, redirectTo or switchTab ...
Worker the creation code is as follows: var script = ""; script += "var a = 0;"; script += "aPP;"; script += "console.log(a)"; var blob = new Blob([script] , { type: text javascript });...
my application is spring websocket + stomp sockjs, configuration. It s OK to test locally, and it s OK to put it on the http server. Only the server deployed to https will make an error. Our server is jboss wildfly. the error in webserver log is as ...
I am writing the front end. I use a table in vue+element, to show the data obtained by the background. The table can edit the contents of a row, showing that after the dialog pop-up layer, sometimes the pop-up layer has been closed, but that layer mask ...