Cross-domain problems occur when token fails (client modifies token, or token expires) log in normally, and cross-domain problems will not occur when token is normal. ...
plug-in code import IndexComponent from . index ; let $vm; export default { install(Vue, options) { const TipsController = Vue.extend(IndexComponent); $vm = new TipsController().$mount(document.createElement( div )); ...
problem description the Access-Control-Allow-Origin cross-domain request has been added at the backend. I added Access-Control-Allow-Origin, in the axios request interception, but the browser reported an error name.toUpperCase is not a function. I don...
problem description vue project mounts a div, click-and-renew request for axios request timeout interception, which encapsulates an axios, that does not time out to display normally. After the timeout click, network has response data response, but th...
both options and post return 200. Login normally, but Provisional headers are shown prompt appears ...
Douyin has just been installed. Users who do not log in can watch the content. you will be prompted to log in directly when you only click like, double click like, comment and other functions. whether the interception was done in the foreground or i...
my backend uses the JWT, front-end vue ssr to set up the axios interceptor, but it is not easy to write, and there will be global token contamination of axios. my token is currently stored in vuex. excuse me, is there any way to simply encapsulate axio...
problem description error using internally defined variable values outside the axios.get method. The value of ipAddress is the current country code of ip, which I want to get from outside of the get method. tried to define a variable to assign the e...
vue-cli is configured with axios,post request. No problem. Get request will return undefined, for advice return a Promise (send get request) export function fetchGet (url, param) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios.get(url, {para...
The progress event is used in vue-axios, why event.loaded = when the request fails , then there is no way to calculate the real-time progress bar the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes...
for example, the project is a vue-cli single-page application, so even in the jump routing, the request on the previous page will not stop, which will cause a series of problems. found a way to cancel the request in the official document of axios, so I...
modify the url that accesses the backend after the vue project is packaged one way on the Internet is to leave a configuration file in static when packing, but the configuration file can only modify the settings in axios, so there is no way to cross d...
Axios how to get the response body if the status code of the response is 404 when accessing the resource? ...
previously you could handle this in ajax request(param){ $.ajax{ type: param.type, url: param.url, success(res){ if(res.status === 0){ typeof param.success === function && param.succes...
reqwest ({) url: http: 123.456.789 api , type: json , headers: Cookies.get( token ) ? { Authorization : Token + Cookies.get( token )} : {}, success: function (resp) { con...
request of the requested object ...
I use axios instead of the default file upload of the el-upload component. When calling the upload API, the API call will be first blocked by login verification to check whether it is logged in. When I clicked upload, I found that the upload interface w...
1. Front-end vue+webpackage+axios, back-end springboot 2. Zuul is used as the gateway and routing is configured. Authentication is carried out at the gateway entrance by writing token, in header 2. Use fastDFS as a file server and configure nginx for ...
axios.interceptors.response.use( response => { if ( === OK ) { return response } else if ( === ERROR ) { console.log( return Promise.r...
1. It is written on the official website., data) .then(response => { console.log(response); }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); }) 2. The company project is written as, data)...
single button controls display and hides <template> <div> <div v-if="isshow">{{isshow}}< div> <button @click="change()">< button> < div> < template> <script&...
since my website does not use https, to access the login page of my website under firefox, firefox will clearly indicate that the link to this site is not secure and the login information entered will be stolen. I would like to ask, how can I change t...
how to add correspondence between two models for example, the following two classes: from django.db import models class Question(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name = verbose_name_plural = question_text = models....
<?php header("Content-Type: text html; charset=utf-8"); $advice_content=$_POST[ textarea ]; posttextarea $uphonenumber=$_POST[ uphonenumber ]; postuphonenumber if(empty($uphonenumber) || empty($advice_content)){ ...
I would like to ask you, when I seal the timer and use the alarm function to send the signal at a fixed time, how can I correctly use the signal function to set the signal handling function? then the signal handling function is an in-class function ...