Vue CLI reported an error in Sogou and IE11 browsers error message is: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token. is this a babel configuration problem? The default babel.config.js configuration file content is module.exports = { presets: [ ...
there is nothing wrong with IE9,10,11 in development mode, but only IE11 can open it after build. Other versions are blank .babelrc { "presets": [ ["env", { "modules": false, "targets": { ...
I followed the configuration document on the official website and chose the CLI method, which was full of problems at that time. I ran the following command under node 10.12.0, npm 6.4.1, windows7 environment: I @ babel core is obviously...
mac vue startup error Screenshot 2018-10-24 11.13.26 AM ...
looking at the introduction on the Internet, using babel-polyfill can pollute global variables. The combination of babel-runtime+babel-plugin-transform-runtime will solve the problem of polluting global variables, and modules that need to be compati...
as mentioned, I want to use the babel-core plug-in to implement a simple demo, code that compiles es6 code as follows: src main.js var babel = require("@babel core"); let code = ` let a = 1; let b = 2 let add = (a, b) => { ...
as mentioned, @ babel preset-env is undefined? in non-loose mode. If I change it to loose mode, I can. Why is that? the babel version is 7 and the webpack version is 4 ...
the project created by default scaffolding cannot be used in low-level browsers after packaging. It is found that the es6 code of vendor has not been converted babel.config.js module.exports = { presets: [ @vue app ] } as shown in the fi...
when I use the vue-cli command sudo vue create hello-world to create a new project, the following error occurs as long as I check the babel or eslint options in the configuration. [fsevents] Success: " Users tanghaoyi work VueSingle hell...
in the past, all functions were uninstalled in closures to avoid global pollution. Now small functions are developed with ES6 modules and import export is used to deal with dependencies. In this case, how to ensure that the code is merged in an orderly ...
a.js module.exports = a ; index.js import a from . a console.log(a); .babelc { "presets": [ ["env", { "targets": { "node": "current" } }] ] } execute us...
browserslist can be configured in babel to tell babel the rules for the specific conversion code. The .babelrc file generated in vue-cli: "targets": { "browsers": ["> 1%", "last 2 versions", "not ie &...
I installed babel-cli, in the file using the following command and installed it successfully npm i babel-cli --save then I use babel-node in the console to prompt me: zsh: command not found: babel-node Baidu also searched, Google also searched. But...
import R from ramda function useMiddlewares(app) { return => i(app)), app require, i => `${r( . middlewares )} ${i}` ) } useMiddlewares([ general , database , router ]) the above co...
webpack.common.js module.exports={ entry:{ index: . src js index.js , }, output:{ path:path.resolve(__dirname, .. dist ) }, module:{ rules:[ { test: .js$ , i...
react project reported an error: You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | > ReactDOM.render(<App >, document.getElementById("app")); webpack { test: .js$ , e...
both class are the same file class hui{ constructor(){ } log=function(){ console.log(123) } } var h = new hui(); h.log(); export default hui; contents of test.js require( .. searchWidget class ) require( . class ); when...
my project uses @ babel core@7, but other packages rely on babel-core@6. I use 7 to run locally, but it uses 6 on other platforms. Could you tell me how to specify 7? ...
problem description the packaged vue-cli code ie 11 reported an error and could not open the page (two pages of the project, the login page can be opened, and the home page cannot be opened). what is a little strange is that the development-time se...
for example, the vue project I created using vue cli3.0 needs to reference the vant,we-vue library on demand at the same time. The dependency babel.config.js vantwe-vueuibabel : babel: : : : has been installed. ...