because it is customary to use import to import and export modules before writing frontend. After all, there is babel . Writing nodejs also continues this habit. Anyway, it all needs to be converted to es5 . "scripts": { "start...
this is the configuration of webpack .babelrc babel-polyfill ie11 both chrome and ff are correct, but not under ie. It feels like the compilation of babel is wrong. Do you want to use any plug-ins? please take a look at it for your help. ...
now you need to convert html to AST, with babel. How to do this? ...
input .box{ display: block ; height: 100px; width: 100px; } output { box: { display: block , height: 100, width: 100 } } are there any npm packages I can use? Solution, thank you! ...
Why Vue s Webpack template does not use polyfill can also use ES6+ methods such as Object.assign on IE browsers. And there is no babel-polyfill in the package.json and related configuration of the template can t babel-loader automatically add relev...
The directory structure is as follows Code profile.js function showMsg(msg) { alert(msg); } export default {showMsg}; import.js import {showMsg} from ". profile.js"; showMsg("hello world"); .babelrc { "presets...
I just want to use babel to change jsx to js. The syntax of other grammars (arrow function, spread) is not polyfill. .babelrc { "presets": [ "react" ] } in this way, configuration compilation will report an error that does ...
Why can my react not be packaged and run on IE, and then report that Unhandled promise rejectionTypeError: cannot get the value of the attribute "call ": the object is null or undefined . No matter what mode I switch, I report this error. Ask God to...
vue-echarts-v3, is used in the project because there is ES6 code in it after packaging, so add vue-echarts-v3 to the processing scope of babel-loader. in webpack.base.conf.js: { test: .js$ , loader: babel-loader , options:{ ...
1.weboack.config.js { test: .js$ , exclude: node_modules , loader: babel-loader , query: { presets: [ es2015 , babel ] } }, 2.common.js var font={ remFont:function(){ alert(1) } } export default...
pm2 deployment Times error, has quoted the babel plug-in, but still reported the error of es6, ask God for advice, thank you very much! const policies = this.options.render.csp.policies ? {...this.options.render.csp.policies} : null ...
first is the ES6 code var x = 1; function foo(x, y = function() { x = 2; }) { var x = 3; y(); console.log(x); } foo(); when the above code runs on chrome, it prints 3. when this ES6 code is compiled into ES5, i...
react project created based on creat-react-app,. In order to solve the compatibility of IE with some methods of Es6, babel-polyfill is introduced into the project. Can run normally in the local development environment, performing packaging upload to th...
var x = 1; function foo(x, y = function() { x = 2; }) { var x = 3; y(); console.log(x); } foo() 3 x 1 the above is the penultimate example of the scope of the function in the book introduction to es6 written by teacher Ruan Yifeng . Teache...
all I want is to convert the file into commonjs so that it can be easily referenced under node, instead of using webpack to package the whole project into the same file babel has a plug-in for converting transform-es2015-modules-commonjs, but this plu...
the project is generated using vue-cli s official webpack template, and the packaged vendor file still contains es6 syntax that is incompatible with ie browsers. is there any way to solve this? Project address: github ...
var babel = require( babel-core ); var t = require( babel-types ); const visitor = {} visitor.JSXElement = function(path) { ... } module.exports = function(babel) { return { visitor }; } var babel = require( babel-core ); c...
Use babel-polyfill to report errors under ie9 htmlscript ie10 ie9 ...
first of all, import is not supported before Node 9. I made it possible to use import, in Node by introducing babel-cli and babel-preset-es2015 , but I still had a problem when importing axios. I didn t add a path when I import, which is similar...
package.json is configured with "scripts ": { "build": "babel src -d lib" } ...
as shown in the figure, officially describes how to use docker-compose to start several services of nsq. Shared data volumes are not configured in docker-compose, but how to enable persistence is described in Persisting NSQ Data. How to configure this i...
Mini Program logged in for the first time (obtained authorization for the first time) and obtained code rawData signature to the server after the server obtained the sha1 encryption value of session_key and rawData based on code that was not consistent ...
how to verify the UK phone number condition is only to set a pure number from 7 to 11 ...
have you ever used "give praise " Mini Program? what is the production principle of its "appreciation code " ...
var foo=1; (function(foo) { console.log(foo); var foo = 2; console.log(; console.log(foo); })(3); Why does this code output ...