use the modal-body content in the Bootstrap modal, modal box to be introduced through the load method. There is a button in the introduced page. The first call mode box is that the click event of the button can be triggered, but the click event of the b...
there is a page form that is validated with bootstrapValidator. The problem with now is that if a form has a validation pass or failure, other input borders will change color as well. for example, the input tag of the position has been verified, and th...
<a class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down" id="row">< a> $("-sharprow").click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass( glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up ); }) Why can t I change the direction of the arrow? ...
I use bootstrap-table, because the data is displayed by one of the list from the objects returned from the backend, so I cannot write the interface and return the data directly in the js configuration. I default to how to render the data to table by def...
at present, the project uses bootstrap fileinput to upload images, but when it encounters txt or other document formats, it has a very friendly preview of the contents, but the Chinese support is not very good. I want to only preview images, other format...
when learning Bootstrap: http: try try. this <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="-sharpmyModal"> < button> Click the button and the modal box pops u...
I put the time selector in the bootstrap modal box. as shown in the figure, turning the page has the same effect. There are always 2-3 pieces of data on the right that cannot be displayed . the code is as follows: <div class...
for example, a website has two groups of banner,: pc and mobile. sets the pc version to visible-md visible-lg , which just hides the display. is it actually load? is there any way to skip these directly? ...
such as the title, look at the picture ***@mediabootstrap*** ...
1. The modal box using bootstrap wants to be automatically completed in the input box, but the second match cannot be selected by using the up and down keys or mouse selection, and click the second option, the input box does not change as shown in the ...
the fuzzy box in bootstrap, I want to implement the function of becoming a confirm confirmation box similar to js. but I don t know how to receive whether the user presses to confirm or cancel. is there any integration of this function bootstrap? Or d...
novice, who is trying to write a project by himself with flask, uses bootstrap-select s drop-down multi-selection menu to pass parameters from the background to option display list. There is no problem with the multi-selection function, but he does ...
I introduced tooltip into my calendar and found that the following content will cover tooltip , but z-index of tooltip is already the highest. What s the problem? How to solve it? ...
1. I am using the bootrap framework 2. I want to pre-load the animation before clicking the menu, and then display the data 3. Is there any column to share ?...
look at a sample website layout in the material using such a piece of code < div class= "row " > < div class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-12 " > < div > < div class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-12 " > < div > < div class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-12 " > < div > < d...
<a href="https:" onClick="return confirmJump();"><a> <script> function confirmJump(){ $( -sharpjumpModal ).modal( toggle ); return false; } < script> Update I have a table that...
< li class= "dropdown " > <a class="nav-header collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="-sharpsystemSetting"> <span class="pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down">&l...
Why can t you render like this? you can t control the modal pop-up ....
how to write horizontal splitter lines in container by bootsrap, all visible areas should be opened, no left and right margins should be left, and the size should be self-adaptive ....
text-right when adapting to md, text-center when adapting to sm ...