as shown in the figure, the IP ports deployed to the IIS server for two different projects are also different how does the front-end page of the second project img access the picture of the first project, and how does c-sharp write the picture to th...
1, guid is used to solve the problem at first, but in EF, if guid is returned directly, because it cannot be decrypted, you have to check it in the database first and then change it. This is the conventional way, but for the sake of efficiency and do not...
topic description I use JAVA to decrypt and refer to the example of c-sharp. There is no problem with encryption. KEY and IV are both the same . sources of topics and their own ideas related codes Code of JAVA public static String decrypt(String...
how to select2 prompt (how to change) No matches found to Chinese prompt if no data is available, such as not found or no match ...
1. Add localtion manage , to nginx to forward my netcore program manage manage login index manage login index manage iis ...
for example, a TextObject, displays and exports its Text,. Now the value I want to export becomes Text+ "2 ". What can I do? ...
see the garbage collection principle of C-sharp on the Internet, using the concept of big and small heap and generation, big and small heap is easy to understand. As far as I understand it, every time there is no recycling, it is pressed to the next gene...
.NET is open source, or the thunder is big and the rain is small, the ranking of C-sharp remains the same, and the distance between Python and .NET is getting bigger and bigger ....
is similar to the mouse button function that Windows can easily access, but the mouse button function needs to press NUMPAD5 to trigger the left mouse button. I want to be able to customize a key on the left side of the keyboard. the specific function...
to achieve the effect of logical and operations on symbols, you can define sequence conditional methods. For example, the second method can be executed only if both An and B are defined: [Conditional ( "A ")] static void DoIfA () { DoIfAandB(); } [...
due to the need of work, it is necessary for the program to regularly get the news posted on the website at the address of http: WS04 .. tried PHP,NODEJS,C-sharp failed to crawl, there is a JS in the site will prevent the backend of...
when I saw the iterator on the Internet, I found it strange that the interface in C-sharp can inherit the original interface? Link: https: referencesource.micro. public interface IEnumerator<out T> : IDisposable, IEnumerator { ...
1.nopcommerce intsall reports no windows system, no permission to modify files as shown in figure a. Try to set the current user to Administraor invalid b. Try to set the properties of the folder to the highest permission, you can add, delete, mo...
when using tesseract character recognition, it is found that if the enlarged picture recognition is used, the wrong text recognition will get the correct result. The image magnification algorithm of WIN10 with photo viewer or light and shadow view or Ma...
how to convert JToken to Dictionary ...
node has its own asynchronous feature. Does async await execute code in a Synchronize way? while C-sharp comes with Synchronize feature, is async await designed to execute code asynchronously? is this understood correctly? ...
problem description use the WinForm program, call VLC to initialize the instance Times exception, that is, run to the libvlc_new (arguments.Length, argvPtr) method Times exception exception message: System.BadImageFormatException: "attempted to loa...
based on unity and C-sharp, there is a code from conception to implementation as follows. I don t understand why this code is singleton mode. public class BoidSpawner : MonoBehaviour{ static public BoidSpawner S; ..... public GameObjec...
it is found that the permissions of WIN10 are very strict, and the modification of directory files on disk C will be restricted. But if the user right-click with the administrator to run, it is OK, but there will be a lot of features can not be used, suc...
the java code is as follows: public String doEncrypt(String srcString) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidA...