this happens every time ssh connects to Ali Cloud free -m top --------------------------------etc profile------------------------ ...
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process p = new Process(); string path = @"H: src"; p.StartInfo.FileName = @"E: Python Python36 python.exe"; ...
for fields, there is no difference except for storage location, life cycle, and initialization. Since the type of local variable can be inferred, the field should also be inferred. ...
the receiving method in the backend Controller is as follows: [HttpPost] public HttpResponseMessage BatchDoDistribute([FromBody]List<DistributeMaterial> list){ } after passing the postman test, it is found that list can receive two objects, but ...
problem description the requirement is something like this: the C-sharp side of U3D will send a binary byte stream of a picture through POST to request my PHP interface, and then I get the byte stream and transfer it to the image and save it on the se...
the following Linq query returns IQueryable of anonymous type: var users2 = from u1 in Users join u2 in distribs on u1.pDistribId equals u2.Id into temp from u3 in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { ...
Front-end js code var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); excel reader.onload = function () { alert("load"); var blob = new Blob([reader...
when the client is physically disconnected, such as artificially disconnecting the network, how can the socket of the server detect that the client can no longer connect to the server? ...
treeview control in C-sharp winform how to get leaves after 3 layers of selected items in treeview ...
is like this. I just came into contact with this project, and then I am not familiar with Linq. After selecting the date of the calendar control in the project, there is no data in the filter, only the date field has no filtering effect, and other field...
encountered a requirement. After modifying the appsettings.json file, you need to trigger a cascading event with modified settings. Does anyone know how to get this OnChange event? configure the appsettings.json code as follows: new ConfigurationBuil...
webapi always returns invalid_client when getting token, as shown below: Head : related code: WebApiConfig.cs public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( ...
problem description Picture description to put it bluntly, it is how to implement the process of building an authorization trigger trigger plus a token, remote trigger, but anyone can build it. Jenkins does not support a project that can be triggere...
for example, windows service can be debugged later by attaching to the process, as a programmer, want to improve their awareness, whether there is a great god can answer. ...
recently made a ftp client module for winform, using the FtpWebRequest, test server I built locally with iis. But the production environment is a linux server, and I thought there was nothing wrong with the ftp protocol. as a result, the WebRequestMet...
I installed vs2017, but the packaging tool I used earlier, install Shield, doesn t have a version of vs2017, so I can t use it. then I use installer projects to package set the .net dependency option in the properties of the packaged project setup...
problem description I am now using WPF to develop a 3D scanning software, and now I want to use a control to display the scanned 3D point cloud in real time. I don t know if there are any good controls or tools that can solve this problem. ask the g...
recently developed a winform program with C-sharp, using .net framework 4.0, because some users use XP, so they chose this .net version, but some users still do not have .net on their computers, so in order to let all users install smoothly, package .ne...
problem description A very common automatic update software, an update EXE and a main program EXE, found on WIN10 that if the update EXE does not have administrator privileges to run, disk C cannot write to any files. So you can only right-click the a...
when I make a WPF window, for some reason, I have to manually control the Maxheight of the window. When I set the MaxHeight of the window, click the maximize button, the window has maximized action, but not very close to the screen, there is always a bl...
what is the principle that commands on mac, such as ls touch mv, cannot be executed in window cmd but can be executed on git bash? what other tools does window have to execute mac commands? ...
system( git commit -a -m "quick commit" ); system( git push ); then build one in ~. Bash _ profile, wrote a shortcut alias push= php Users XXX Projects XY push.php but what I want to achieve is: suppose I enter push "GOOD BADDDD...
the chunkhash will change every time it is packaged, and the source code will change as well. How to avoid ...
Code of html: PHP: : localhost: ...
the project compatibility mode written by vue turns on the white screen. Why? ...