hide the sensitive value in the native layer to prevent decompilation from being searched for by keywords. I use this method. charstringsrcstring -sharpinclude <stdio.h> int main() { char src[] = "ab"; int len = 0; ...
< H1 > current solution < H1 > server bool is_server_disconnected(int client_socket) { set_flag(client_socket, O_NONBLOCK); char buffer[10]; int length = recv(client_socket, buffer, 10, 0); clr_flag(client_socket, O_NONBLOCK)...
< H2 > question wants to buy a server < H2 > I used to buy an esc, in Aliyun, but it was too expensive, so I didn t renew it later. Finally, Aliyun offered a new user discount. I m a regular user, so I m not happy at all. What s the difference bet...
The architecture is as follows: nginx acts as a reverse proxy to proxy pass the http request to the backend golang http server nginx==>httpserver is it possible to restart gracefully in this way 1. Start a new golang http server to listen on o...
< H1 > demand < H1 > another process (data side) is used by socket to accept data, but it does not know when the data will end, while the command side process is used to accept command data. After receiving the end command, it can tell the data side n...
for example, if I have a function in the c file that I want to export and open to others to call, how can I automatically generate these function declarations into the .h header file? ...
on Linux, while executing sem_timewait (), will the current thread sleep, choose another thread to execute, or block in place until it times out? after the timeout, if the lock has not been acquired, do you sleep or block the current process? ...
receive data in child process: char data_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; char *ptr = ""; int data_len = 0; int pre_len = 0; for (;;) { bzero(data_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); int length = recv(client_data_socket, data_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0); if (l...
could you tell me what s wrong with my writing like this? there is no result at run time data segment data ends stack segment stack dw 20h dup(?) top label word stack ends code segment assume ds:data,ss:stack,cs:code p proc far mov ax,data ...
I have an one-dimensional array, which contains the letter Amurz. If you want to find out all the unique combinations, the combination type is 1-to-many, for example: the letter A can be combined with any other one or more letters, please give a Demo or...
write a client, of FTP using passive mode. After the data socket for transmission is established, how does the socket for the command inform data socket?? int client_data_socket = get_client_data_socket(client_cmd_port); sprintf(send_buffer, "...
-sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<stdlib.h> typedef struct node{ int num; struct node *next; } Node; int main(void) { Node *link=NULL,*node; if(link=(Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node))) { link->num=-1; li...
as a pc client, the QT5, client comes with a web browser and asks them that it comes with QT, but when I do front-end development on this browser, some of the CSS attributes are incompatible, such as this: cursor: pointer;, it seems to be unknown, and ho...
-sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude <stdlib.h> -sharpinclude <math.h> -sharpinclude <string.h> typedef struct { long id; char *name; int type; int hours; int teaching_hours; int e...
whether to write code is whether the more intermediate variables are written, the better such as a point: public class Point{ int x; x int y; y int isExist; x,y int quadrant; x,y } is it necessary to crea...
the code is as follows: < H1 > include "apue.h " < H1 > static void sig_int (int); int main (void) { sigset_t newmask, oldmask; pr_mask("program start: "); if (signal(SIGINT, sig_int) == SIG_ERR) err_sys("signal(SIGINT) ...
when learning the reactor model today, I referred to the code written by others. reference blog address: https: blog.csdn.net u011693. the following are the questions to be asked: 1.reactorreactor_impl 2.reactor CPP rookie, also hope to be able t...
Update gcc, with brew under < H2 > mac there are a lot of header files that can t be used! < H2 > as the title for example, write a helloworld 1 -sharpinclude <stdio.h> 2 -sharpinclude <stdlib.h> 3 int main(){ 4 printf(&quo...
to add a new function is that each expression should start with-sharp and end with-sharp. Ask the boss to write the complete code. this is main . -sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude <stdlib.h> -sharpinclude <string.h> -sharpinclude ...
write a plug-in because you need to process the final output file, which also involves dependent files. in watch mode, you can get it from the assets of emit for the first time according to the file path. When the file is changed and recompiled, the c...
recently encountered such a scene, do not know the principle, hope that the big god can help Xiaobai answer, thank you < style > .wraper{ background: red; min-width: 50px; display: flex; height:200px; line-height: 200px; width: 500px; c...
the element UI tree control (el-tree) is being used in the form of lazy loading (lazy +: load= "loadNode " method). The business is as follows: 1-add a level 1 node 2-any node can add a new child node 3-edit node 4-delete node -(problems encountere...
< div id= "app " > < div style= "width: 100%; " > <div class="data-list" v-for="(item, index) in dataList"> <el-col :span= 24 class= bd-border > <el-col :span= 24 class= itemtop > <span&...