now you need to write a Linux kernel program. I don t know how to write the Makefile file. The code directory structure is as follows - -src -conf -log.conf log.c -demo.c log.h, -log.c ...
the content of Dockerfile is as follows: FROM centos ADD redis-2.8.16.tar.gz usr local rediscluster ADD redis.conf usr local rediscluster ADD redis2.conf usr local rediscluster ADD redis3.conf usr local rediscluster ADD sentinel.conf usr local red...
problem background using Makefile to complete the compilation of Linux kernel module programs, there is a problem Code structure |-firewall |------log.h |------log.c |------demo.c log.h |------Makefile Makefile File ifneq ($(KERNELRE...
this is from https: en., I also use the unicode character set, ask for help! ...
error message We do not provide support for this pre-release version. You may encounter build failures or other breakages. = > Installing dependencies for tmux: pkg-config, makedepend, Libevent = > Installing tmux dependency: pkg-config = > Downloa...
topic: ss for example: enter google, to find that the longest symmetrical string is goog enter abcda to find that the longest symmetric string is aba. if there is more than one longest symmetric string, multiple longest symmetric strings o...
I encapsulated a cat etc shadow command in C language, set the suid bit of the program and set its owner to root,. Why can t you access etc shadow? when executed as an ordinary user? Is it possible that exec doesn t inherit the suid property when ...
int Setbit(int* A,int RowSize){ int i = 0;int Sum = 0; for(i = 0;i < RowSize;iPP) if(A[i] == 0) Sum ^= 1<<(RowSize-i-1); return Sum; } Setbit; bool Readbit(int S,int i,int RowSize){ return S&( 1 << (R...
A line of code cannot print a variable of type int,float,double,char the last char type variable cannot be printed, and setbuf (stdin,NULL) is added. ...
-sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<stdlib.h> struct student { int num; struct student *next; }; struct student *crea(int n) { struct student *head, *pa, *pb; int i; head = NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; iPP) { ...
it is a bit confusing to see that the 23-bit Mantissa determines that the single-precision floating-point decimal precision is 7 digits. The 23-bit binary can only show that the M of the binary Mantissa 1.M can represent 2 ^ 23 digits. How can it be ...
big head. ...
how to quickly convert multiple csv files into xls files in batches ...
how to understand this line of code? static void * a = &a; I saw it on the source code of AFN. static void *AFHTTPRequestSerializerObserverContext = &AFHTTPRequestSerializerObserverContext; The AFURLRequestSerialization.h file is used wh...
encountered a strange problem procedure is simplified like this, first enter an integer n, then enter n integers into the array and then enter an integer m, and then enter m integers into the array is required to intersect, as a result, there is a p...
the original rule is as follows [1-9] {1} [0-9] {3} now I want to rule out the result of 2035. How do I write it? because I m in a hurry, I can t think for myself. Regularity is my weakness. Thank you! ...
when I read a book, I write the following code and type . -sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<stdlib.h> *acb* void butler(void); int main() { printf("a"); a butler(); void butler printf("b"); b return 0; ...
< H1 > include < iostream > < H1 > < H1 > include < time.h > < H1 > < H1 > include < stdlib.h > < H1 > < H1 > include < math.h > < H1 > using namespace std; problem: partition function does not work effectively; typedef double Type; typed...
this is always the case when it comes to self-learning what is wrong with the structure. ...
cut the rope, cut the rope of length n into m segments, and find the maximum value of the length product of each segment I would like to ask myself what is the idea of typing n and m ....
problem description Vue developed a picture website, and the online address found a performance problem after development . To put it simply, the url of images exists in a json array binds to img s src with v-bind and then just add o...
desired effect my implementation filter-option.js Component({ methods: { onTap () { console.log("i clicked"); this.triggerEvent( tapoption , {}, { bubbles: true, composed: true ...
single-page application, angular library files referenced by script tags and controller.js and model.js, of each module can be packaged using webpack, non-professional front end. Thank you. ...
Why can t symbolic variables be logarithmic? an is a symbolic variable, and I want to generate another symbolic variable, ln (a), to display an error. But pow (a pencils 4) is OK. Why? ...
the same third-party dependency libraries are import in the js of each module, so they are repeatedly packaged when they are packaged. Now I just want to package these basically unchanged ones only once and then lead them to each html. How do I do this? ...