I want to add libcurl dependency to codeblocks. After reading some tutorials on the Internet, I still don t quite understand how to compile the libcurl bar from the official website, and where to put the downloaded package ....
as mentioned in the question, how does the connection broker function mosquitto_connect in the mqtt library mosquitto set the timeout? I did not see any relevant information in the global search in the interface provided, including the search keyword ...
problem description the title may not be clear enough, and the problem is described as follows: I used nodejs + v8.h + libuv to develop a plug-in for nodejs to call a local device driver, in which the function of calling the device to get data uses l...
our compiled application exe, then puts together the necessary files for dll, including folders, on which it depends, ready to package and release (installshield). my idea is that to package these (including the dll, that exe, depends on, etc.) and di...
* * author: cw1997 a10702005 [changwei1006@gmail.com] * datetime: 2018-10-22 23:29:39 * -sharpinclude <iostream> -sharpinclude <ctime> -sharpinclude <cmath> void printarr(long n, long arr[]) { printf(" n"); for...
how to write a common part of OpenGL in CPP for cross-platform use by Android and iOS? what is questionable is how to connect OpenGL,iOS through EGL in Android and use EAGL to connect OpenGL, according to different platforms using CPP to encapsulat...
topic description how to pass an array as an argument to a pointer to a function or what is the solution sources of topics and their own ideas output the questions of a member by a student class related codes Please paste the code text bel...
use syscall to call the function to report an error. The following code shows whether there is something wrong with my writing -sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude <fcntl.h> -sharpinclude <unistd.h> -sharpinclude <sys syscall.h>...
-sharp a = [{ info1 : someinfo , date : 1}, { info1 : someinfo , date : 4}, { info1 : someinfo , date : 7}, { info1 : someinfo , date : 13}] b = [{ info1 : someinfo , date : 3}, { info1 : someinfo ...
when using tesseract character recognition, it is found that if the enlarged picture recognition is used, the wrong text recognition will get the correct result. The image magnification algorithm of WIN10 with photo viewer or light and shadow view or Ma...
Why is the incremental Hill sorting time complexity of Hibbard n ^ (3 + 2)? ...
for initiailzer_list , why does Cpp provide only the default constructor: cppreference ; then let me initialize vector: . struct A{ A(int a, int b){this->a = 2*a; this->b = 2*b;} int a; int b; }; A a{1, 2}; (2, 4) what is brac...
In vs, there was a problem generating 64-bit dll from a 32-bit cPP project. Web solutions usually change the solution platform to x64, but because the 32-bit dll library is called in this project, changing the project environment to 64-bit won t work....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss *> <channel> * <item> <title>< title> <file>&name=&bz=*< file> * <size>< size> * ...
I now have some coordinate pairs of broken lines, which need to be drawn with Qt, that is, to connect these coordinate points with line segments. Now that I can draw the broken line correctly, I try to move the graph to the center of the window with the...
1, node environment? 2, non-node environment? because the actual work is jquery+bootstrap, it is best to implement a pure js 3, please consider:: case, 0234 omitted from 234, etc. ...
-sharpinclude <iostream> -sharpinclude <queue> -sharpinclude <thread> -sharpinclude <mutex> -sharpinclude <condition_variable> using namespace std; mutex mtx; condition_variable produce, consume; queue<int> q; int m...
CPP rookie, compile hint according to the code typed in the book example: "private: static int value::total_length" (?total_length@value@@0HA) Project1 C: Users Kellen source repos Project1 Project1 ex3_10.obj 1 the source code...
knowledge and technical principles related to the production of staff spectrum by 1.ios 2.MIDI file parsing or sib file parsing 3. Implement parsing the midi or sib file into the staff spectrum and then have the playback function 4. There is a third p...
vscode will have the error shown in the figure after configuring the c language. why? the following is the wrong code { "resource": " 1 workspaceSettings.json", "owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name...
has been resolved because the video tag cannot be full-screen under iframe. the workaround is to add the allowfullscreen= "true " attribute to the iframe. < iframe src= "Video address " allowfullscreen= "true " > < iframe > ...
ng-zorro-antd NzModalService has no effect on creating model nzContent application components; Modal such as nzContent:CommodityFormComponent, will not be loaded into the content; nzContent: "ddddddd ", which is normal ...
for example: I have a table T1 in which there is a comment named name name field select name from T1 that gets array (). [0]=array( name => 123 ), [1]=array( name => 236 ) ) how to change the above name to name ...
1. As one of the most important concepts- router , template engine . (I understand that these two things are to give up the ajax set.) send the page directly to the browser. I think it is no different from the traditional jsp. As a person who has learn...
A rule found on the Internet is not very clear. I would like to ask the bosses function me(str){ return str.replace( <img [^>]*src=[ "]([^ "]+)[^>]*> gi, function (match, capture) { console.log(match) console.log...