the library I use is luasql-mysql,. I found that there is no operation interface that supports prepare, so I wonder, in actual development, aren t developers afraid of sql injection? ...
given an array, count the first k large numbers and output the k numbers from large to small. enter the first line contains an integer n that represents the size of the array. N < 100000. The second line of contains n integers, representing the elem...
I have just done a question, and the online submission has been timed out all the time, so I wrote the quick sort part myself, and then passed it? does calling a function add time complexity? I don t know much about it at the beginning. ...
title https: problem-set. related codes -sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude <string> -sharpinclude <iostream> using namespace std; int read() { char ch = getchar(); int f = 1; int x = 0; while (ch < ...
problem description when CLion writes CPP, the array passed by the function argument, why can t you see the entire array in the function when debugging, but only show the value of the first address of the array. the platform version of the problem ...
1010 derivation of unary polynomial Design function to find the derivative of unary polynomial. (note: the first derivative of x ^ n (n is an integer) is nx ^ n (n-1).) input format: enter polynomial non-zero coefficients and exponents in an exponent...
DEBUG LLDB I have judged whether it is empty or not here. Debug saw that the result is NULL, but executed it into if. Is there any negligence? the bosses give us some advice . ...
void ListDelete(LinkList *q,LinkList *p){ (*q)->next=(*p)->next; free(*p); (*p)=(*q)->next; } and then directly ListDelete (& pjingheq) will be fine. but my head pointer is also passed directly, (LocateElem (Linklist head.)). Delet...
problem description use the WinForm program, call VLC to initialize the instance Times exception, that is, run to the libvlc_new (arguments.Length, argvPtr) method Times exception exception message: System.BadImageFormatException: "attempted to loa...
I have a const char *, which reads as follows: HTTP 1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application xml;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 8192 Connection: close <?xml version="1.0"?> <root> ... < root> how do I remove all the above char...
I keep the address of another variable in the dynamically allocated memory, and then print the dynamically allocated memory and the address of another variable. I understand that the address of base and p3 in group2 is the same, but why is buf in group...
-sharpinclude <iostream> -sharpinclude <cstring> -sharpinclude <cstdlib> -sharpinclude <cmath> using namespace std; bool factor(); bool term(); bool term() { char c = cin.peek(); bool result = 0; if (c == ! ) { ...
https: problems. my idea is to violently match the first letter, and then match the remaining letters up and down like a gluttonous snake, while using a vector k plus a Hash to convert the coordinates to a unique ID, to record the pa...
it is difficult to understand the accuracy of floating-point numbers, online interpretation is always 2 ^ 23 =. Of course, it will be 7 bits, but the Mantissa of 23bit memory is converted from binary to 10, why the precision is 7, even if it is 7, there ...
determine whether ip is from Shanghai? Return Bool value is there any good implementation plan? ...
describe the goal of the program you want to generate is to evaluate Boolean expressions, as follows: expression: (V | V) & F & (F | V) where V is for True,F and for False. The expression may include the following operators: for not,&for and, | for ...
< H2 > question < H2 > in codeshelper, when writing an article with markdown, use-sharp,-sharp-sharp,-sharp-sharp-sharp,-sharp-sharp, to represent the title and subtitle. when generating an article, browsing has the effect of a directory navigation o...
A novice wants to learn how to install QT for the first time in CPP,. The tips are as follows: ...
it is found that the permissions of WIN10 are very strict, and the modification of directory files on disk C will be restricted. But if the user right-click with the administrator to run, it is OK, but there will be a lot of features can not be used, suc...
problem description when using Baidu Voice linux sdk , you want to extract the returned json string and add an undefined reference to the jsoncpp, compilation Times error . related codes try to add code in sample asr src main.cpp sample asr src...
1. The page begins with dispatch, 2.model effects, const response = yield call (getDeviceList); 3.api.js: export async function getDeviceList() { return request( api admin device list.jhtml ); } print log found that the code executes until effect...
this place cannot be dragged, and many properties are not implemented. $( -sharp +key+ Grid ).flexigrid({ url:rootStatic + datamanage customerview custv + $scope.gridConfigs[key].methodName, method: GET , ...
show variables like %storage_engine% ; +----------------------------+--------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------+--------+ | default_storage_engine | InnoDB | | default_tmp_storage_engine | | | enforce_s...
there is a two-dimensional dictionary locally: { a : 12, rating : { "max": 10, "numRaters": 79, "average": "9.1", "min": 0 } } Array ( [a] =&g...
reat-redux so far I can only get the process through, a simple demo; I have a problem now. When I create a multilingual pack, I pull the language pack through the interface to store, and then render the interface. the problem now is that when the in...