is like this, I want to do an automated software, want to call a button in his sub-form, can not find the idea, for example, notepadPP, how to use other programs to display his Preference interface, and click to modify Language to chinese? ...
as mentioned, both jquery and bootstrap are used globally project src directory will be pages folder, pages folder will contain about (about.html,about.js,about.less) and so on, and then hope the structure generated by packaging will be . dist...
The scenario goes like this: a single-page application with two pages An and B. the backend changes the API of the B page (for example, the structure of the returned data has changed), and the front end also rewrites the way the B page reads the API. ...
how do you integrate multiple single-page applications? Assuming that there are three subsystems, and the front end is written in react angular vue, what are the ways to integrate these three subsystems into one system? ...